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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Biotech debate is all about free choice, not absolutes

Biotech debate is all about free choice, not absolutes
Some people talk against genetically modified (GM) products, particularly food, as if it's a matter of choice between evil and righteousness; the debate is all about free choice. As result, they go to great lengths to scare people about perceived, not scientifically ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


No need to fear GMOs : Biotech experts

 Stakeholders in the seed sector have accused the  government  of dragging its feet on biotechnology, stating that Tanzania is taking too long to embrace the technology despite a policy being in place.


11 years ago


Ofab keen on biotech application

Although biotechnology has been in use for years, there are still fears about its side effects. The Citizen Reporter, Sturmius Mtweve, had an interview with Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa (Ofab) country coordinator Philbert Nyinondi on the role, contribution and challenges of biotechnology use in Tanzania. Excerpts…


10 years ago

Raia Tanzania

Kiwanda cha Biotech Products ni mtaji kwa Watanzania

UZINDUZI wa kiwanda pekee cha kuzalisha wadudu wa kuua viluwiluwi vinavyoeneza ugonjwa wa malaria ni fursa nyingine kwa Watanzania kukuza mitaji na nguvu kazi.

Kiwanda kilichozinduliwa na Rais Jakaya Kikwete, wiki iliyopita, Tanzania Biotech Products Ltd kichukuliwe kuwa ni mtaji pekee wa kuendeleza Watanzania katika miaka ijayo ambapo Tanzania inatarajiwa kuwa na uchumi wa daraja la kati.

Serikali imewekeza Sh. bilioni 61.5 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa kiwanda hicho kilichopo Kibaha,...


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Histone Deacetylase 8 Market 2020 innovative ideas by – Chipscreen Biosciences Ltd, HitGen LTD, NatureWise Biotech & Medicals Corp

Global Histone Deacetylase 8 Market 2020 innovative ideas by – Chipscreen Biosciences Ltd, HitGen LTD, NatureWise Biotech & Medicals Corp  Bandera County Courier


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Bioreactors and Fermenters Market Top Key Players Growth Stratrgies 2020-2024 | Bangalore Biotech Labs, Praj Hipurity Systems, Thermo Fisher

Global Bioreactors and Fermenters Market Top Key Players Growth Stratrgies 2020-2024 | Bangalore Biotech Labs, Praj Hipurity Systems, Thermo Fisher  Bandera County Courier


9 years ago


Childless by choice

Being childless by choice used to be considered more a part of western culture.But with time, more and more African women have come to embrace the idea.


11 years ago


MUSINGS: Is it by choice that some are childless?

Belittling burial ceremonies are held for a person who remained ‘fruitless’ in life.


9 years ago


Respect the choice of voters, says UN

With two weeks to the General Election, the United Nations (UN) resident coordinator and UNDP resident representative in Tanzania, Mr Alvaro Rodrigues, has pleaded for the will of the people to be respected and left to decide who should be their next leader.



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