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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Bristol MBA Scholarships │ Huawei-She Leads Africa Fellowship and Many More


Apply for a Jacob Foundation Research Fellowship
The Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship Program is the only internationally open, competitive fellowship program for early and mid-career researchers focusing on child and youth development… More

Human Life Advancement Foundation Science & Technology Scholarships

Applicants are invited from outstanding postgraduate students at PhD level or Postdoctoral researchers for the award of PhD scholarships funded by Human Life Advancement Foundation…...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Newcastle University Scholarships for International Undergraduate Students │ Women in Leadership Executive MBA Scholarship and Many More


Women in Leadership Executive MBA Scholarship

Hull University Business School is pleased to offer a full scholarship to cover the tuition fees of a prospective female student applying for the Hull Executive MBA programme… More

University of South Australia University-Wide Scholarships for International Applicants

The University of South Australia offers the following scholarships to international applicants – International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) and University President’s...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Umeå University Scholarships for International Students │IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships and Many More


Global Health Corps Fellowship

Global Health Corps provides a yearlong paid fellowship for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity at existing health organizations and government agencies… More

TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences (Consortia)

Qualified researchers in one or more of the 81 S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS are invited to form a research consortium with one or two collaborating groups to...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

AFRICA LEADS: All the best @moodewji #AfricaLeads

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Congratulations Mo on your @ForbesAfrica Person of Year ! RT @AfricaLeads: All the best @moodewji #AfricaLeads



10 years ago

Daily News

Tanzania leads Africa in financial inclusion

Capital FM Kenya
Tanzania leads Africa in financial inclusion
Daily News
TANZANIA the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa and ninth globally for demonstrating most conducive environments for financial inclusion, according to the new Global Microscope 2014 by The Economt Intelligence Unit. The new study released th month ...
The Ministry of EAC to begin an exercise of fast tracking the integration processRwanda News Agency (registration)
EAC advocates equal trade playing
EAC Tax...


10 years ago


Former S. Africa first lady Graca Machel leads campaign against child marriages

Former S. Africa first lady Graca Machel leads campaign against child marriages
Graca Machel, reacts before two female children, Pili Mohere (L) and Happiness Rhobi at the launch of a National Ending Child Marriage Campaign at JNICC in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Graca Machel, Nelson Mandela's widow and founder of the Graca ...


10 years ago


She Leads Africa Launches 2015 Entrepreneur Showcase with $15,000 cash prize for winners

She Leads Africa Launches 2015 Entrepreneur Showcase with $15,000 cash prize for winners
The premier platform for young female entrepreneurs looking to grow and scale their businesses across AfricaLAGOS, Nigeria, May 7, 2015/ -- She Leads Africa ( has announced the launch of its second annual Entrepreneur Showcase for the most talented female entrepreneurs across Africa and the diaspora. This event is the premier platform for young female...


5 years ago


England in South Africa: Eoin Morgan leads side to victory in stunning chase of 223

England pull off a stunning chase of 223 to beat South Africa in the third Twenty20 in Centurion and take a pulsating series 2-1.



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