Burundi refugee crisis: Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swell
Kigoma, 25 May 2015 - The influx of 70,000 Burundian refugees to Tanzania is overstretching the capacity of the government of Tanzania and aid agencies to respond, as emergency aid workers struggle to meet the urgent demands of providing clean water, shelter and food to new arrivals, Oxfam warned today.
Existing Nyarugusu camp is already beyond capacity, with schools and churches being turned into temporary accommodation while more appropriate shelter can be built. Families who have made...
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Jakarta Post25 May
Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swell
Times LIVE
Jakarta Post
The influx of 70,000 Burundian refugees to Tanzania is overstretching the capacity of the Tanzanian government and aid agencies to respond, Oxfam has said. The humanitarian aid agency said that although government and aid agencies were working hard ...
Burundi Refugee Crisis - Funds Urgently Needed As Tanzania Camp Numbers ...AllAfrica.com
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10 years ago
Sierra Leone Times26 May
Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps
Sierra Leone Times
Sierra Leone Times
NAIROBI, KENYA - The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the refugee ...
Burundi refugee crisis Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellMENAFN.COM
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10 years ago
Voice Of America25 May
Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania
Voice of America
Voice of America
NAIROBI, KENYA—. The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the ...
Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellJakarta Post
Burundi Refugee Crisis - Funds Urgently Needed As Tanzania Camp Numbers ...AllAfrica.com
all 302...
10 years ago
MSF21 Jul
Tanzanian refugee camp for Burundi refugees 'at breaking point'
As large numbers of refugees fleeing the unrest in Burundi cross the border to neighbouring Tanzania, the overcrowded Nyarugusu refugee camp “has reached breaking point”, the Emergency Coordinator for international medical organisation Médecins Sans ...
Tanzania: Camp for Burundian Refugees "At Breaking Point"Doctors Without Borders
Tanzania: Camp for Burundi refugees 'at breaking point'Médecins...
10 years ago
StarAfrica.Com23 Jul
Thousands of unaccompanied Burundian children in Tanzania refugee camp
Mail & Guardian Online
The number of separated, unaccompanied, and often traumatised, Burundian children arriving at the remote Nyarugusu refugee camp in western Tanzania is thought to have risen sharply from around 1,600 at the end of May, to more than 2,600 by 19th July, ...
Facilities for Burundi refugees at breaking point: MSFMail & Guardian Online
Refugee Camps Tense As Burundians Flee Poll Violence -...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com04 Jan
Tanzania: UN Plans to Ease Congestion At Nyarugusu Refugee Camp
More than 33,000 refugees from Nyarugusu camp will be transferred to other countries in America and Europe to ease congestion at the camp. Speaking to The Citizen, head of Nyarugusu refugees camp Mr Sospeter Boyo said the move is part of a United ...
5 years ago
ReliefWeb17 Feb
Burundi Refugee Situation - Tanzania: Voluntary Repatriation Statistics as of 31 October 2019 - Burundi
10 years ago
Daily News29 Nov
Over 43000 teachers needed urgently
Daily News
Daily News
TANZANIA has a shortage of 43,441 teachers, Deputy Minter of State in the Prime Minter's Office for Regional Admintration and Local Government, Aggrey Mwanri told Parliament on Friday. Primary schools have a shortage of 25,164 teachers while secondary ...
10 years ago
East African Business Week09 Jun
Tanzania faced with crisis as elephant numbers drop sharply
East African Business Week
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The sharp decline of the elephant population in Tanzania mostly due to poaching, is catastrophic, a wildlife conservation group said last week writes DAMAS MAKANGALE. The Tanzanian government estimates that 65,721 ...
Mystery As 10000 Elephants DisappearAllAfrica.com
The real reason for the catastrophic collapse of Tanzania's elephant populationWashington Post
Arusha wildlife trust...