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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps

Sierra Leone Times
Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps
Sierra Leone Times
NAIROBI, KENYA - The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the refugee ...
Burundi refugee crisis Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellMENAFN.COM

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Sierra Leone Times

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Voice Of America

Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania

Voice of America
Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania
Voice of America
NAIROBI, KENYA—. The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the ...
Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellJakarta Post
Burundi Refugee Crisis - Funds Urgently Needed As Tanzania Camp Numbers

all 302...


9 years ago



The East African Secretariat has received a donation of various essential medicines and health supplies from the Federation of East African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FEAPM) for emergency humanitarian assistance to Burundi refugees’ camps in Kigoma region of Tanzania and Eastern Province of Rwanda.
Dr. Dhirendra Shah, FEAPM Chairman, accompanied by Dr. Ashvin Pandya, Member of the Board of the Federation, handed over the first consignment of medical supplies to Hon. Jesca Eriyo, EAC Deputy...


10 years ago


Burundi refugee crisis: Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swell

Kigoma, 25 May 2015 - The influx of 70,000 Burundian refugees to Tanzania is overstretching the capacity of the government of Tanzania and aid agencies to respond, as emergency aid workers struggle to meet the urgent demands of providing clean water, shelter and food to new arrivals, Oxfam warned today.
Existing Nyarugusu camp is already beyond capacity, with schools and churches being turned into temporary accommodation while more appropriate shelter can be built. Families who have made...


10 years ago

Al Jazeera America

For Burundians, Tanzania's refugee camps offer a better life

Al Jazeera America
For Burundians, Tanzania's refugee camps offer a better life
Al Jazeera America
Burundian families who fled their country wait to be registered as refugees at Nyarugusu camp in northwest Tanzania on June 11, 2015. Since unrest broke out in Burundi this spring, more than 100,000 people have fled. Stephanie Aglietti / AFP / Getty ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Overstretched and Underfunded Refugee Camps in Tanzania Put Over ...

Independent Online
Tanzania: Overstretched and Underfunded Refugee Camps in Tanzania Put Over ...
Health and shelter for Burundian refugees in Tanzania are poised to get worse in already overstretched camps, the aid agencies Oxfam, HelpAge International, Plan International, Save the Children, International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Danish ...
Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsIndependent Online
Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsThomson Reuters...


10 years ago


Tanzania refugee camps tense as Burundians flee poll violence

Yahoo News
Tanzania refugee camps tense as Burundians flee poll violence-agencies
Daily Mail
LONDON, July 21 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Tanzanian refugee camps and relief workers, struggling to help tens of thousands of Burundian refugees, fear a new wave may pour across the border because of the violence that hit Burundi's presidential ...
The International Rescue Committee prepares for latest influx of Burundian ...Rescue
Camp for Burundi Refugees 'At Breaking Point'


10 years ago


Tanzania refugee camps tense as Burundians flee poll violence: agencies

Yahoo News
Tanzania refugee camps tense as Burundians flee poll violence: agencies
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Tanzanian refugee camps and relief workers, struggling to help tens of thousands of Burundian refugees, fear a new wave may pour across the border because of the violence that hit Burundi's presidential election ...
Tanzania: Camp for Burundi refugees 'at breaking point'
The International Rescue Committee prepares for latest influx of Burundian...


5 years ago


Burundi Refugee Situation - Tanzania: Voluntary Repatriation Statistics as of 31 October 2019 - Burundi

Burundi Refugee Situation - Tanzania: Voluntary Repatriation Statistics as of 31 October 2019 - Burundi  ReliefWeb


10 years ago


EAC deploys Regional Medical and Public Health Emergency Support Teams to Refugee Camps in Kigoma, Tanzania and Eastern Province of Rwanda

East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania, 13 July 2015: The East African Community (EAC) has deployed Emergency Regional Medical and Public Health Support Teams to the Refugee Camps hosting refugees from Burundi in Kigoma Region in Tanzania and at the Mahama Main Refugee Camp and the surrounding local host communities in Kirehe and Bugesera Districts in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.
The deployment has brought together over one hundred (100) medical specialist doctors and other...



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