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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Burundi refugees pack Tanzania camps

Independent Online
Burundi refugees pack Tanzania camps
Independent Online
Nairobi - Heavy rains, flooding and a spike in new arrivals could threaten the lives of over 110 000 Burundian refugees in overcrowded camps in Tanzania, six aid agencies said on Monday, amid warnings of rising political tension in Burundi. Life ...
Overstretched and underfunded refugee camps put over 110000 Burundians in ...Oxfam America (press release) (blog)

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Independent Online

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Daily Mail

Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania camps

Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania camps
Daily Mail
NAIROBI, Nov 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Heavy rains, flooding and a spike in new arrivals could threaten the lives of over 110,000 Burundian refugees in overcrowded camps in Tanzania, six aid agencies said on Monday, amid warnings of rising ...


10 years ago

The Guardian

Cholera biggest threat as Burundi refugees crowd into Tanzania camps

The Guardian
Cholera biggest threat as Burundi refugees crowd into Tanzania camps
The Guardian
Refugees fleeing the political crisis in Burundi make the journey across Lake Tanganyika heading for UN camps in neighbouring Tanzania. Photograph: Jerome Delay/AP. Guardian Global development is supported by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
UNHCR slashes Burundi refugee figure from earlier "guesstimate"Reuters Africa
Efforts to stem cholera in Tanzania appear to be workingGhana Broadcasting...


9 years ago


Tanzania Opens New Camps for Burundian Refugees to Ease Conditions in ...

Tanzania Opens New Camps for Burundian Refugees to Ease Conditions in ...
Today, UNHCR started the relocation of 50,000 Burundian refugees to two camps in North West Tanzania, which the government has reopened to ease the suffering of tens of thousands of people in the crowded Nyarugusu camp. Following lengthy ...


10 years ago

Sierra Leone Times

Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps

Sierra Leone Times
Burundi Refugee Crisis Strains Tanzania Camps
Sierra Leone Times
NAIROBI, KENYA - The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the refugee ...
Burundi refugee crisis Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellMENAFN.COM

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10 years ago

Voice Of America

Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania

Voice of America
Burundi Refugee Crisis Puts Strain on Camps in Tanzania
Voice of America
NAIROBI, KENYA—. The aid agency Oxfam says more than 70,000 refugees from Burundi have crossed the border into Tanzania fearing political violence at home. Aid agencies are seeking more support as disease and overcrowding take a toll on the ...
Funds urgently needed as Tanzania camp numbers swellJakarta Post
Burundi Refugee Crisis - Funds Urgently Needed As Tanzania Camp Numbers

all 302...


11 years ago


281 refugees transferred to camps

Some 281 refugees have been taken back to their camps from Nairobi in the last three days, the ministry of Interior and National Coordination has said.


9 years ago



The East African Secretariat has received a donation of various essential medicines and health supplies from the Federation of East African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FEAPM) for emergency humanitarian assistance to Burundi refugees’ camps in Kigoma region of Tanzania and Eastern Province of Rwanda.
Dr. Dhirendra Shah, FEAPM Chairman, accompanied by Dr. Ashvin Pandya, Member of the Board of the Federation, handed over the first consignment of medical supplies to Hon. Jesca Eriyo, EAC Deputy...


10 years ago


Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UN

Cholera strikes 3000 Burundi refugees in Tanzania: UN
GENEVA Some 3,000 cases of cholera have been reported in a worsening epidemic in Tanzania among Burundian refugees, the United Nations said on Friday. A Tanzanian health official told Reuters on Wednesday that at least 33 people had died from the ...
UN says Burundi refugees cholera epidemic worseningYahoo! Maktoob News
Cholera Epidemic Claims 31 Lives in Tanzania, Including 29 Burundian
300-400 new cholera...


10 years ago

Rescue (Blog)

200000 refugees from Burundi awarded citizenship in Tanzania

Rescue (blog)
200000 refugees from Burundi awarded citizenship in Tanzania
Rescue (blog)
“It can be said that not only for humanitarian grounds but also given this contribution to the local economy, it was right that the entirety of this population has now been given the opportunity to fully access the range of rights and services available to Tanzanians ...
Tanzania begins granting citizenship to over 162000 former Burundian refugees ...UNHCR (press release)

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