
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA in open votes on ballot system

CA in open votes on ballot system
Constituent Assembly (CA) members yesterday moved a step closer to formal start of business after they voted on the 'mode of voting' to be used in deciding contentious matters arising from deliberations on the second draft of the new constitution.
Finally CA agree on voting systemDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System

Daily News
Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System
Dodoma — THERE was no shortage of more drama as members of the Constituent Assembly continued to differ on the open and secret ballot system. The assembly's Chairperson, Mr Pandu Ameir Kificho, had to adjourn the morning session for some hours ...
CA Standing Orders 'to include all views'Daily News
Constituent Assembly to endorse regulationsIPPmedia

all 8


11 years ago


Secret, open ballot tear apart Katiba Assembly

Dodoma. Claims of intimidation and fear of victimisation among members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) were made yesterday as the debate on Standing Orders exposed a deeply emotional views on the method of voting that should be used.


11 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: Open or secret ballot will not give us good Katiba

>The Constituent Assembly members debated mode of voting to adopt when passing various decisions in the House last week.


11 years ago

Daily News

State wants uniformity in open learning system

State wants uniformity in open learning system
Daily News
LACK of necessary qualifications and standards has been singled out as a major reason for some open schools or learning centres to delay sending their applications for registration. Last year the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) embarked on a campaign to ...


10 years ago

Daily News

NBS touts open data system to enhance transparency in govt

NBS touts open data system to enhance transparency in govt
Daily News
THE National Bureau of Stattics (NBS) Director of Population and Social Stattics, Mr Ephraim Kwesigabo, has said that availability of an open data system in the country was important in increasing government transparency and involvement of the people in ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Last say on CA ballot mode

Daily News
Last say on CA ballot mode
Daily News
TENSION is mounting among members of the Constituent Assembly (CA), political parties and the general public as all await the decision on voting modalities on Monday. The issue of the vote to decide whether the assembly uses an open or secret ballot ...
CA Consensus Team On Voting Arrangement Fails to
Deadlock on CA mode of votingIPPmedia

all 16


10 years ago


Ballot papers not at centres by 10.30am

>The civic polls in many constituencies in Kilimanjaro Region were a mess due to poor mismanagement, leading to deferral of the exercise in some areas.


9 years ago


Special ballot papers for the blind

Visually handicapped people yesterday were assured of taking part fully in the General Election after the National Electoral Commission (NEC) responded to their demand of making ‘tactile ballot’ papers available at polling centres on October 25.


11 years ago


Why secret ballot is now Sitta’s nightmare

>The chairman of the Constituent Assembly, Mr Samuel Sitta, today embarks on what could be his baptism of fire since his election to the sensitive position over a week ago.



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