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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System

Daily News
Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System
Dodoma — THERE was no shortage of more drama as members of the Constituent Assembly continued to differ on the open and secret ballot system. The assembly's Chairperson, Mr Pandu Ameir Kificho, had to adjourn the morning session for some hours ...
CA Standing Orders 'to include all views'Daily News
Constituent Assembly to endorse regulationsIPPmedia

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Secret, open ballot tear apart Katiba Assembly

Dodoma. Claims of intimidation and fear of victimisation among members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) were made yesterday as the debate on Standing Orders exposed a deeply emotional views on the method of voting that should be used.


11 years ago


CA in open votes on ballot system

CA in open votes on ballot system
Constituent Assembly (CA) members yesterday moved a step closer to formal start of business after they voted on the 'mode of voting' to be used in deciding contentious matters arising from deliberations on the second draft of the new constitution.
Finally CA agree on voting systemDaily News

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11 years ago


Politicking set to split assembly

No doubt that the Constituent Assembly, which is about to begin its noble mission of deliberating on behalf of all Tanzanians a new and needful Constitution next week in Dodoma is well divided.


11 years ago


Voting system still sticky for Assembly

Voting system still sticky for Assembly
The technical and consensus committees of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have again failed to resolve the tricky sections of the standing orders regarding the voting system in passing contentious provisions of the constitution. Prof Costa Mahalu, Chairman of ...
CA team tussles over votingDaily News

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10 years ago


Poll: 52pc will vote Yes in Katiba ballot

Dar es Salaam. Slightly more than half of Tanzanians on the Mainland would vote for the Proposed Constitution if a referendum was held between January and February this year, a new opinion poll suggests. But as the clock ticks towards the referendum, support for the new Katiba has dropped, according to the Twaweza poll, with a large number still undecided.


11 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: Open or secret ballot will not give us good Katiba

>The Constituent Assembly members debated mode of voting to adopt when passing various decisions in the House last week.


11 years ago


Here’s why nothing EVER gets done at the #Katiba Assembly [VIDEO]

There are simply too many lobby groups working against each other to further their own political and ideological ends.


11 years ago


All set for Katiba assembly

The new constitution writing process records another milestone today with the onset of the Constituent Assembly.


11 years ago


Katiba Assembly should not have absolute powers

>A fortnight ago, this writer highlighted that abiding by democratic tenets, including citizens’ participation is an important procedural limitation that inherently accompanies and binds the constituent power in a situation of a state with politically organised people.



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