
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Voting system still sticky for Assembly

Voting system still sticky for Assembly
The technical and consensus committees of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have again failed to resolve the tricky sections of the standing orders regarding the voting system in passing contentious provisions of the constitution. Prof Costa Mahalu, Chairman of ...
CA team tussles over votingDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

New voting system put into motion

New voting system put into motion
Daily News
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) will conduct a countrywide comprehensive voter registration and update the Voter Register using new Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) technology that will cost the government 293bn/-. NEC has also increased ...
To use Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) technologyIPPmedia

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11 years ago


Finally CA Agree On Voting System

Finally CA Agree On Voting System
Dodoma — A SQUARING-off meeting convened by the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly (CA) Samuel Sitta has helped soothe what would have been a long and heated debate on the proposal by the assembly's Standing Orders and Privileges ...
Several CA members challenge political coalitionsIPPmedia

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11 years ago


CA voting system divides CCM members

CCM members in the Constituent Assembly (CA) are divided on the mode of voting to be used when the assembly makes decisions on the draft constitution.


11 years ago


Stalemate over voting in assembly yet to be broken

Efforts by the Constituent Assembly (CA) interim chairman to resolve a stalemate over the voting system failed to bear fruit even after closed door meetings and consultations which ran in the dead of night.


11 years ago


Political parties caution over e-voting system failure

Leaders of political parties have expressed their concern over a limited time which has been set aside to register voters by using the Biometric Voters Registration (BVR) system.


11 years ago


Passionate debate in Assembly on mode of voting

>Members of the Constituent Assembly put up a spirited defence of either an open or secret mode of voting yesterday as the House resumed debate after Wednesday’s suspension.


11 years ago


Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System

Daily News
Katiba Assembly Still Split On Ballot System
Dodoma — THERE was no shortage of more drama as members of the Constituent Assembly continued to differ on the open and secret ballot system. The assembly's Chairperson, Mr Pandu Ameir Kificho, had to adjourn the morning session for some hours ...
CA Standing Orders 'to include all views'Daily News
Constituent Assembly to endorse regulationsIPPmedia

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10 years ago

Daily News

Contention over CA legality gets sticky

Contention over CA legality gets sticky
Daily News
THE parties in the New Constitution case locked horns on whether the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) should be allowed to file a case to question the conduct of the Constituent Assembly (CA). While counsel for the TLS, the applicant in the case, contended ...


10 years ago


My take on the voting year

My take on the voting year
I am tempted to call our brand new year a “Voting” one, simply because major national exercises related to going to polling centers to determine the country's destiny, in one way or another, are in the calendar of 2015. It is one of the rare years when ...



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