
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA member for Union status quo

A member of the Constituent Assembly (MCA), Ms Suzy Laizer (Appointed – Farmers), yesterday defended the two-tier Union model saying it gives women entrepreneurs from both sides of the merger the opportunity to trade.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Magufuli a transformative or a perfectionist of status quo? @TheCitizenTZ @ACTWazalendo @ZittoKabwe

Magufuli a transformative or a perfectionist of status quo?

Magufuli a transformative or a perfectionist of status quo?

By Zitto Kabwe, MP

General election of 2015 was one of the toughest in Tanzanian history. John Magufuli, a candidate of the ruling party won the election with the lowest proportionate of votes than any other since introduction of multiparty elections in 1995. With 58% of votes, he assumed power and quickly established himself as the landslide victor. President Magufuli started to take actions that sent clear message that his was not...


11 years ago


Member states press for new status of ‘charity organisation’

No one raised an eye brow, when the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) was registered as a charity organisation under UK and Wales laws many years ago.


11 years ago


Union of the people crucial, Assembly member observes

>Constituent Assembly (CA) member Hamid Masoud Jongo sees the Union of peoples of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar as being more important than the structure which has been surrounded by controversy.


11 years ago


Top teachers’ union officials differ on the union structure

Senior officials of the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) have aired diverse views on the Union structure.


10 years ago

The Economist

The status of Zanzibar

The status of Zanzibar
The Economist
IN APRIL Tanzanians celebrated the 50th anniversary of the union between mainland Tanganyika and the islands of Zanzibar. In honour of the occasion, the East African nation came together to rewrite its 1977 constitution. But instead of strengthening the ...


11 years ago


Selous Reserve gets new status

The Selous Game Reserve is now semi-autonomous, a cabinet minister said yesterday.


10 years ago

Daily News

CA trumps status elevation for Uhamiaji

Daily News
CA trumps status elevation for Uhamiaji
Daily News
MEMBERS of the Constituent Assembly (CA) on Monday proposed the inclusion of Immigration Department into the list of national defence and security institutions, saying the department is playing a crucial role in securing the country's borders.


10 years ago

Daily News

Mwenge college gets varsity status

Mwenge college gets varsity status
Daily News
MWENGE University College of Education (MWUCE) has been upgraded to a fully fledged university with effect from the 2014/2015 academic year. The Principal of the former constituent college of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Reverend Dr ...


11 years ago


Kenyan officials wrangle over status

Kenyan MPs propose making it a criminal offence to address an official incorrectly, the latest move in a status struggle with newly created governors.



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