
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA rules fuel heated debate

Daily News
CA rules fuel heated debate
Daily News
THE special committee assigned to draft standing orders that will guide sessions of the Constituent Assembly submitted its report on day. As expected, a heated debate ensued soon after the presentation of the report, with some members saying at least two ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Debate on firms’ role in society heated

A debate is going on whether to enact the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Act or not.


10 years ago

Daily News

Session put off after oil, petrol, gas bills spark heated debate

Session put off after oil, petrol, gas bills spark heated debate
Daily News
THREE proposed extractive industry bills sparked a heated debate in the National Assembly here, compelling the Speaker, Ms Anne Makinda, to prematurely adjourn the session as some MPs noisily pushed for the bill's withdrawal. It all started after ...


11 years ago


No more debate on rules 37, 38, CA members told

No more debate on rules 37, 38, CA members told
Consitituent Assembly (CA) members were yesterday told that sections 37 and 38 of the standing orders will not be debated again, contrary to the initial thinking that the exercise had only been postponed. The clarification was made by Evod Mmanda, ...


11 years ago


CA should be given enough time to debate rules: MPs

Two Constituent Assembly members say the CA should spend all the time it needs to craft its standing orders. Mr Ismail Aden Rage and Mr Christopher ole Sendeka were responding to complaints that the assembly was spending too much time discussing the draft standing orders.


11 years ago


Assembly Adjourns Debate On Its New Rules of Procedure

Assembly Adjourns Debate On Its New Rules of Procedure
Arusha — EALA has this afternoon adjourned debate on review of its Rules of Procedure to allow for more time by the Members to digest the amendments. The move follows a motion brought forth by Hon Susan Nakawuki who reiterated the need for Members ...


11 years ago


Assembly set to debate proposed rules

>The Constituent Assembly is today scheduled to start debating the proposed Standing Orders that were unveiled last week.


9 years ago

Deutsche Welle

Disputes flare in heated Tanzania election

Deutsche Welle
Disputes flare in heated Tanzania election
Deutsche Welle
Results from the semi-autonomous region of Zanzibar have been annulled due to abuses, the regional election commission said. The opposition is crying foul, as the ruling party holds the lead nationwide. Tansania Wahlen. Zanzibar's electoral commission ...
Election was well-contested; organised, say observer teamDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Official nullifies results of Zanzibar presidential...


11 years ago


Eala session adjourned after heated row over speaker’s fate

The East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) session was adjourned indefinitely yesterday after a motion to remove its Speaker, Ms Margaret Nnatongo Zziwa, backfired.



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