
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Session put off after oil, petrol, gas bills spark heated debate

Session put off after oil, petrol, gas bills spark heated debate
Daily News
THREE proposed extractive industry bills sparked a heated debate in the National Assembly here, compelling the Speaker, Ms Anne Makinda, to prematurely adjourn the session as some MPs noisily pushed for the bill's withdrawal. It all started after ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Kikwete signs oil, gas bills into law

President Jakaya Kikwete has assented to five bills, including three energy-related legislations that were fiercely opposed in Parliament.


5 years ago


Stanbic bank hosts breakfast session to discuss opportunities in the Mozambique Oil and Gas sector to promote industrialization

Standard Bank Head of Oil and Gas Paul Eardley-Taylor speaking about the opportunities resulting from Mozambique Liquefied Natural Gas project, during a breakfast session held in Dar es Salaam, recently. Stanbic Bank is committed to facilitating investment in the oil and gas sector to promote industrialization and economic growth.


11 years ago


Eala session adjourned after heated row over speaker’s fate

The East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) session was adjourned indefinitely yesterday after a motion to remove its Speaker, Ms Margaret Nnatongo Zziwa, backfired.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA rules fuel heated debate

Daily News
CA rules fuel heated debate
Daily News
THE special committee assigned to draft standing orders that will guide sessions of the Constituent Assembly submitted its report on day. As expected, a heated debate ensued soon after the presentation of the report, with some members saying at least two ...


11 years ago


Debate on firms’ role in society heated

A debate is going on whether to enact the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Act or not.


10 years ago

Daily News

IDs spark debate in House of Reps

IDs spark debate in House of Reps
Daily News
ISSUANCE of Zanzibar resident identification cards (ZanIDs) has again sparked heated debate in the House of Representatives, with backbenchers from the Civic United Front (CUF) claiming that most of their supporters are still without the ID prerequisite in ...


10 years ago


Proposal for Kadhi courts set to spark fierce debate

The government’s decision to introduce Kadhi courts is among issues expected to dominate Parliament’s first sitting of the years, which starts today.


10 years ago


Zanzibar House Session Begins With Four Bills Tabled for Discussion

Zanzibar House Session Begins With Four Bills Tabled for Discussion
Zanzibar — PUBLIC Private Partnership (PPP) is set to be strengthened in Zanzibar should Representatives in the Zanzibar House approve a proposed bill to that effect. The proposed bill for an Act to repeal the Concession project Act No.1 of 1999 and enact ...



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