
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call to include land clause in Katiba

Members of the Constituent Assembly (MCAs) yesterday proposed a fresh clause on land to be incorporated in the second Draft Constitution to end mounting conflicts mostly pitying farmers and herders as well as farmers and hunters or gatherers.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Include indigenous rights in land, wildlife laws: call

>Land and Wildlife legislations are sidelining hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and other marginalised communities, a lawyer and activist has observed.


11 years ago


Include local authorities in new Katiba: call

>The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) has prepared proposals in a bid to press for inclusion of devolution in the new Constitution.


10 years ago

Daily News

Abdallah: Include sports in Katiba

Daily News
Abdallah: Include sports in Katiba
Daily News
COMMITTEE number ten of the Constituent Assembly (CA) has proposed the inclusion of sports in the proposed Draft Katiba that was officially presented here on Wednesday Committee chairperson Anna Abdallah said sports have been neglected for a long ...


10 years ago

Daily News

PM: No plan to include Kadhi Court in Katiba

PM: No plan to include Kadhi Court in Katiba
Daily News
THE government has allayed fears that have engulfed some Tanzanians that it intends to clandestinely incorporate the Kadhi Court fragment in the new constitution. Addressing a well-attended press conference in his office in Dar es Salaam, the Prime ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Call to utilise Arusha Cooperative land fully

Call to utilise Arusha Cooperative land fully
Daily News
CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General Mr Abdulrahman Kinana has called upon Arusha Co-operative Union (ACU) to surrender to the government public land that was once given to that cooperative society during villagisation. According to Mr ...


10 years ago

Daily News

MPs sound urgent call to reduce land conflicts

MPs sound urgent call to reduce land conflicts
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) here have urged the government to survey land and demarcate it for various purposes, in order to contain cases of land conflicts between different users. The MPs were debating a report presented in the House on Thursday by ...


11 years ago


Plea to give people good Katiba Deliver good Katiba to : Grant TZ good new call

 As citizens, we record in our memories what is happening in the Constituent Assembly (CA) and at the end of the day, we will come up with a conclusion if the Constitution to be achieved will be useful to us and the country in general.


11 years ago


Call for unity on Katiba review

Political parties in the country have started to chat a common understand towards the process of re-writing the new constitution.



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