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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Include indigenous rights in land, wildlife laws: call

>Land and Wildlife legislations are sidelining hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and other marginalised communities, a lawyer and activist has observed.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Call to include land clause in Katiba

Members of the Constituent Assembly (MCAs) yesterday proposed a fresh clause on land to be incorporated in the second Draft Constitution to end mounting conflicts mostly pitying farmers and herders as well as farmers and hunters or gatherers.


10 years ago


'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'

'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'
Lack of awareness on land usage and ownership laws and regulations is a major factor denying majority of women in Zanzibar their land rights. The concession was reached by lawyers from Zanzibar's Ministry of Lands, Housing, Water and Energy over the ...


11 years ago


Include local authorities in new Katiba: call

>The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) has prepared proposals in a bid to press for inclusion of devolution in the new Constitution.


11 years ago

Legal Aid Centre

Old laws undermining women and children rights

Old laws undermining women and children rights - Legal Aid Centre
Outdated laws and the snail paced approach to their review are once again cited as the major factor undermining the rights of vulnerable groups in the country these including women and children and the elderly and disabled. More specifically is the question ...


5 years ago


Coronavirus in Africa: Emergency laws v individual rights

Security forces in several states have allegedly abused their powers during the Covid-19 crisis.


11 years ago

Daily News

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have been urged to educate people in their areas the importance of obeying laws, orders and be ready to listen to government leaders on issues to do with land disputes. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...


9 years ago


Review oil, gas laws: call

The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) has asked Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa to spearhead the push for amendment of oil and gas legislation passed by Parliament in July to enhance transparency and accountability in the extractive industries.


9 years ago


Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws

Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws
The government has been challenged to incorporate regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and freedom of media into local laws and regulations. The call comes in the wake of the African Media Barometer report released this week ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws

Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws
The government has once again been called on to do away with all laws that suppress human rights as proposed by the 1991 Nyalali Commission that among other laws called for the review of the Newspaper Act of 1976. The development comes as the ...



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