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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Coronavirus in Africa: Emergency laws v individual rights

Security forces in several states have allegedly abused their powers during the Covid-19 crisis.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Court hears an appeal on alleged failure by Uganda, Kenya and Burundi to make individual Country declarations in acceptance of the competence of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

 eacj-press-banner.jpgThe East African Court of Justice Appellate Division heard an appeal filed by the Democratic Party (Appellant) against the Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC) (1st Respondent) and the Attorneys General of the Republics of Uganda (2nd Respondent), Kenya (3rd Respondent), Rwanda (4th Respondent) and Burundi (5th Respondent).
The matter appeals the decision of the First Instance Division of 26th November 2013 dismissing the case. The case principally challenges the alleged...


11 years ago

Legal Aid Centre

Old laws undermining women and children rights

Old laws undermining women and children rights - Legal Aid Centre
Outdated laws and the snail paced approach to their review are once again cited as the major factor undermining the rights of vulnerable groups in the country these including women and children and the elderly and disabled. More specifically is the question ...


10 years ago


Include indigenous rights in land, wildlife laws: call

>Land and Wildlife legislations are sidelining hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and other marginalised communities, a lawyer and activist has observed.


9 years ago


Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws

Activists want basic rights, freedoms incorporated into set national laws
The government has been challenged to incorporate regional and international instruments on freedom of expression and freedom of media into local laws and regulations. The call comes in the wake of the African Media Barometer report released this week ...


10 years ago


'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'

'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'
Lack of awareness on land usage and ownership laws and regulations is a major factor denying majority of women in Zanzibar their land rights. The concession was reached by lawyers from Zanzibar's Ministry of Lands, Housing, Water and Energy over the ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws

Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws
The government has once again been called on to do away with all laws that suppress human rights as proposed by the 1991 Nyalali Commission that among other laws called for the review of the Newspaper Act of 1976. The development comes as the ...


10 years ago


Africa: Kenyans Jailed in TZ Seek Justice in Africa Rights Court

Citizen News
Africa: Kenyans Jailed in TZ Seek Justice in Africa Rights Court
Arusha, Tanzania — Lawyers representing 10 Kenyans who were charged over robbery with violence in Tanzania have filed a fresh application at the Arusha-based African Court on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR), accusing the local court of violating ...
Kenyans in Tanzanian Jails Since 2006 to Know Fate in AugustCitizen News

all 4


5 years ago

Al Jazeera English

Your coronavirus emergency kit: Preparation, symptoms, tips

Your coronavirus emergency kit: Preparation, symptoms, tips  Al Jazeera English


11 years ago


Highlights of tax laws and the rights of tax payers

It is common for most taxpayers to pay taxes without necessarily understanding or asking the legal basis for the tax demanded and whether they have any right in the process.



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