Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have been urged to educate people in their areas the importance of obeying laws, orders and be ready to listen to government leaders on issues to do with land disputes. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...
Daily News
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Daily News08 Aug
Media urged to educate public on corruption
Daily News
KAGERA Regional Chief of the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Mr Joseph Mwaiswelo, has challenged reporters from various media outlets to educate the public on evils of corruption during elections. Mr Mwaiswelo made the ...
11 years ago
TheCitizen27 May
Come up with good laws, Shija urges lawmakers
>Parliaments should enact laws that are more stringent that would see government officials who are proved to embezzle public funds punished appropriately.
10 years ago
TheCitizen02 Feb
EDITORIAL: Banning witchcraft won’t work, just educate people
>A report released by a global organisation The Pew Research Centre April 15, 2010 named Tanzanians as the most superstitious in Africa.
10 years ago
Daily News03 Feb
Lawmakers decry countless land conflicts
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) here have decried endless land conflicts in many parts of the country, which they blamed on failure by the government to demarcate land for various purposes. The conflicts are those involving investors and villages as well as ...
11 years ago
TheCitizen13 Jul
Resolve land rows among Maasai, 3 lawmakers told
Regional authorities here have pleaded with three lawmakers to consider intervening in land conflicts to prevent fatal clashes among members of the Maasai community from erupting once again in their constituencies.
10 years ago
TheCitizen08 Feb
Rifts emerge as lawmakers debate report on land rows
Sharp divisions emerged between Members of Parliament yesterday as they debated a report by the Select Committee on land conflicts in the country.
10 years ago
Daily News06 Nov
No plans to slice reserved land for villages, lawmakers told
Daily News
THE government has no plans to divide part of reserved land for the purpose of extending it to villages, the Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Settlement, George Simbachawene, told the National Assembly. He was responding to a question ...
10 years ago
Daily News23 May
Influx of people to Isles worries lawmakers
Daily News
ZANZIBAR may face economical pressure and insecurity due to the influx of people who have not been scrutinized. Legislator for Mtambwe in Pemba on CUF ticket Mr Salim Abdalla Hamad asked the government to improve inspection at entry points. He said ...
11 years ago
IPPmedia30 Apr
Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws
The government has been called upon to scrap out and/or amend all oppressive laws which curtail the freedom of the media and expression and instead exhaust other remedies such as the Court of law and the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) to address its ...
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12-February-2025 in Tanzania