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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Influx of people to Isles worries lawmakers

Influx of people to Isles worries lawmakers
Daily News
ZANZIBAR may face economical pressure and insecurity due to the influx of people who have not been scrutinized. Legislator for Mtambwe in Pemba on CUF ticket Mr Salim Abdalla Hamad asked the government to improve inspection at entry points. He said ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have been urged to educate people in their areas the importance of obeying laws, orders and be ready to listen to government leaders on issues to do with land disputes. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...


11 years ago


Why Isles People's Culture Must Be Protected At Any Cost

Why Isles People's Culture Must Be Protected At Any Cost
Zanzibar — WITH a lot of preaching during the Holy Month of Ramadan, about the need to observe religious teachings and shun forbidden acts, one would have expected a change among the youth. Philosophers define culture as people's 'way of life,' in ...


10 years ago


Registration schedule worries rife high high worries rife

Earlier last month the National Electoral Commission (NEC) released a set of schedules for two major events regarding the October General Election.


10 years ago

The Star

Two Migori MCAs Slam Influx of Beggars

Two Migori MCAs Slam Influx of Beggars
The Star
DISABLED people from Tanzania are giving persons living with disability in Migori a bad name by begging in the streets, two MCAs have said. Abedi Maroa (Masaba) and Eunice Mboya (nominated) urged the county government to send the beggars away.


10 years ago


VIDEO: How Italy copes with migrant influx

The BBC's Tom Burridge reports from the Italian island of Lampedusa, where authorities are struggling to cope with a huge influx of new migrants.


10 years ago


RC refutes reports of influx of Burundi refugees into Kigoma

Dar es Salaam/Kigoma. While the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) has confirmed registering a number of refugees at the Nyarugusu Camp, Kigoma Regional Commissioner Issa Machibya has refuted reports that Burundians have started entering the country.


11 years ago


Dar man happy with influx of Chinese traders

 An influx of Chinese into Tanzania worries some traders and even authorities as many of them are engaged in petty businesses that, sometimes, are informally done by locals.


10 years ago


3 international bodies prepare for new refugee influx into Tanzania

3 international bodies prepare for new refugee influx into Tanzania
Plan International, Save the Children and International Rescue Committee (IRC) are working a coordinated response to Burundi refugee crisis and preparing for a new influx. They are focusing on education and protection of children, a statement availed ...
Burundian Refugees in Tanzania Predicted to Reach 250000Save the Children

all 2


9 years ago


' We Can't Cope With Mass Burundian Refugee Influx in Tanzania'- UNHCR

Independent Online
' We Can't Cope With Mass Burundian Refugee Influx in Tanzania'- UNHCR
More than a hundred thousand Burundian refugees in neighboring Tanzania face overcrowding and disease. Aid agencies say the lives of these refugees could be threatened by heavy rains and an increase of new arrivals. The United Nations High ...
UNICEF appeals for $25m for BurundiEast African Business Week
Fear of cholera, floods as Burundi refugees pack Tanzania campsDaily Mail
Overstretched and...



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