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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call to work together to protect River Nile

Call to work together to protect River Nile
Daily News
NILE Basin Initiative (NBI) member states have been advised to strengthen cooperation towards protecting the river and secure regional peace. The advice was given by the Ugandan Minister for Water and Environment, Mr Ephraim Kamuntu, while delivering ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania ratifies River Nile basin convention

Tanzania now becomes the third country to ratify the agreement on the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework (CFA), after Rwanda and Ethiopia.


10 years ago


Trade deals to ease River Nile row

Egypt and Ethiopia sign a series of trade agreements in Addis Ababa which could help smooth diplomatic tensions over use of the River Nile waters.


10 years ago


Govt seeks equal River Nile use by riparian nations

Govt seeks equal River Nile use by riparian nations
The government through the Water Ministry will later this year table in the National Assembly the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Cooperate Framework Agreement (CFA) seeking equal utilisation of water in all countries crossed by the Nile River. “The CFA is ...
Call to work together to protect River NileDaily News

all 3


10 years ago


Nile countries to protect water source

>A permanent legal framework must be established to ensure sustainable development and equal utilisation of the River Nile waters, the minister for Water and Irrigation, Prof Jumanne Maghembe has said.


11 years ago


Egypt welcomes Tanzania's call for Nile deal review
Egypt welcomes Tanzania's call for Nile deal review
Egypt has welcomed a call by Tanzania for a review of the 2010 Comprehensive Framework Agreement signed by upstream Nile Basin countries, known as the Entebbe Agreement, to consider Egypt's water needs. In a statement, Egyptian Foreign Ministry ...


5 years ago

Daily Mail

Chinese coronavirus doctor goes to work while husband drives behind to protect her

Chinese coronavirus doctor goes to work while husband drives behind to protect her  Daily Mail


10 years ago

Daily News

Call for laws enforcement to protect women in Zanzibar

Call for laws enforcement to protect women in Zanzibar
Daily News
IN an effort to safeguard the rights of couple in marriage, particularly women, activists in Zanzibar are calling for the review of Kadhis laws to introduce marital contract. “It is high time binding contract is introduced between husband and wife. This will help ...


10 years ago


Nile countries to protect water source source

Dar es Salaam. A permanent legal framework must be established to ensure sustainable development and equal utilisation of the River Nile waters, the minister for Water and Irrigation, Prof Jumanne Maghembe has said.


11 years ago

Daily News

Call for formation of social work council

Call for formation of social work council
Daily News
SOCIAL workers in Tanzania have called for the establishment of National Social Work Council to steer the profession, which, despite its potential to bring about social reformation, is not fully utilised. Chairman of Tanzania Emerging Schools of Social Work ...



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