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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call for laws enforcement to protect women in Zanzibar

Call for laws enforcement to protect women in Zanzibar
Daily News
IN an effort to safeguard the rights of couple in marriage, particularly women, activists in Zanzibar are calling for the review of Kadhis laws to introduce marital contract. “It is high time binding contract is introduced between husband and wife. This will help ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How marital contracts can protect women's rights in Zanzibar

How marital contracts can protect women's rights in Zanzibar
Despite their big contributions in their family matters, women's rights of having a share when their husbands die or get a divorce is difficult to attain due to some weaknesses in Zanzibar laws. Media Women's Association (TAMWA)-Zanzibar, has encouraged ...


11 years ago


Govt advised to tighten laws to protect children against abuse

Govt advised to tighten laws to protect children against abuse
Over 800 children under the age of 14 years were sexually abused last year in the country, reflecting the low level of protection accorded to the group, despite the comprehensive law in place. A report released by the Legal and Human Rights Centre on ...
Guard children's education right...New Vision
All Children Must Enjoy the Right to

all 3


9 years ago


Review oil, gas laws: call

The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) has asked Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa to spearhead the push for amendment of oil and gas legislation passed by Parliament in July to enhance transparency and accountability in the extractive industries.


10 years ago

Daily News

Call to work together to protect River Nile

Call to work together to protect River Nile
Daily News
NILE Basin Initiative (NBI) member states have been advised to strengthen cooperation towards protecting the river and secure regional peace. The advice was given by the Ugandan Minister for Water and Environment, Mr Ephraim Kamuntu, while delivering ...


10 years ago


Include indigenous rights in land, wildlife laws: call

>Land and Wildlife legislations are sidelining hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and other marginalised communities, a lawyer and activist has observed.


10 years ago

Independent Online

Tanzania's new laws to uplift women

Independent Online
Tanzania's new laws to uplift women
Independent Online
br tanz Reuters Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda says Tanzania's new constitution is set to be enacted before general elections next year. Photo: Reuters. Kizito Makoye Dar Es Salaam. SAKINA Mzava was still mourning the loss of her husband when her ...
TRF-Tanzania's proposed constitution empowers women to own landReuters Africa
Tanzania's proposed constitution empowers women to own landThomson Reuters Foundation

all 7


11 years ago

Legal Aid Centre

Old laws undermining women and children rights

Old laws undermining women and children rights - Legal Aid Centre
Outdated laws and the snail paced approach to their review are once again cited as the major factor undermining the rights of vulnerable groups in the country these including women and children and the elderly and disabled. More specifically is the question ...


5 years ago


South Africa’s battle to protect women against violence

Coronavirus has worsened the growing crisis of gender-based violence in the country.


11 years ago


LHRC: Set up mechanism to protect women`s rights

LHRC: Set up mechanism to protect women`s rights
Legal and Human Right Centre (LHRC) will continue to advocate for legal framework that can protect Tanzanian women against Gender Based Violence (GBV), the centre's Executive Director said. “We need to put forward strong mechanism and laws to ...



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