
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Capacity of DR Congo, UN forces questioned over killings

Repeated massacres perpetrated by rebel groups in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) have made some analysts question the capacity of DR Congo forces and the UN Mission for Stabilization of Congo (MONUSCO).


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


VIDEO: Are Kenyan forces behind killings?

Gabriel Gatehouse investigates claims that western-backed security forces are behind the killing of the controversial Muslim preacher, Abubakar Shariff Ahmed 'Makaburi'.


11 years ago


Tanzanian Special Forces In Congo mentioned as among the most elite on earth

. These are the world’s most elite military teams. They’re highly trained, best equipped and well-prepared fighting units specializing in surgical military operations, from ending a hostage situation swiftly to stealthily eliminating top terrorists.For more and source CLICK HEREMONUSCO FIB commander Brig Gen. James Mwakibolwa receives  members of  an advance team of the intervention brigade with a special mandate to neutralize and disarm armed groups in e#Eastern Democratic Republic of the...


10 years ago


Mbowe questioned over ‘sedition’

Chadema national Chairman Freeman Mbowe (C) arrives at Police Headquarters in Dar es Salaam yesterday. BY DEVOTA MWACHANG`A Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) national Chairman Freeman Mbowe was yesterday held at Police Headquarters in Dar es Salaam  and questioned over allegedly seditious remarks he made on Sunday. Mbowe was summoned by the police for interrogation following the party’s announcement of plans to conduct countrywide protests and strikes if the ongoing...


11 years ago


Cameroon fixing claims questioned

Match-fixing claims against seven Cameroon players are questioned by the International Centre for Sport Security.


11 years ago


Govt silence on Gaza questioned

The Opposition CUF is asking the government to publicly condemn Israel attack against Palestine.


9 years ago


Sexwale questioned by US grand jury

Fifa presidential candidate Tokyo Sexwale appears before a US grand jury as part of an on-going investigation into World Cup bribes.


11 years ago


Kallon questioned by police over row

Ex-Sierra Leone captain Mohamed Kallon is questioned by police over a row with FA President Isha Johansen.


10 years ago


Seven questioned for 5 hours over ‘sacking’ of CCM official

>Seven leaders of the CCM youth wing Arusha Region were at the weekend grilled for five hours over their decision to “sack” their regional secretary, Mr Gerald Mwadalu.


9 years ago


Saudi Hajj disaster toll questioned

Officials from several countries say they believe more than 1,000 people died in last week's stampede near Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage.



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