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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM has won, but at what cost?

The Constituent Assembly was a house divided well before it set out on its mission in February 2014. We knew in advance that, by and large, Chama Cha Mapinduzi would determine the direction of the new constitution. The burning question now is why CCM managed to get what it wanted.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Defections won’t weaken CCM

CCM Ideology and Publicity secretary Nape Nnauye has said the defection of its cadres to the opposition does not weaken the party and instead it makes it stronger ahead of the October General Election.


10 years ago


CCM won’t have it easy, warns cadre

CCM should not expect a landslide victory in this year’s elections, one of its cadres in Kilimanjaro Region has warned.


10 years ago


Sumaye: This delay could cost CCM dearly

Dodoma. Former Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye has warned CCM that its delay in nominating candidates could hurt it in this year’s General Election.


9 years ago


Ukawa, CCM won’t produce president, says TLP candidate

The president of the fifth phase government will neither come from CCM nor Ukawa coalition, TLP presidential candidate Maximillian Lyimo has said.


11 years ago


It’s a war that has to be won

The decimation of Tanzania’s wild animals is seemingly beyond our control now. This doesn’t help shaping our image as people capable of taking charge of their own affairs.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

You Won’t Believe How Old This Woman Really I


Pamela Jacobs, below pictured here aged 29, has changed little over the years. Look at her now and her real age will shock you.

You Won’t Believe How Old This Woman                               Really Is

Pamela Jacobs is a beautiful woman and credits a healthy diet and lots of coconut oil for her youthful appearance. Although she actually has a grown up son in his twenties she often gets confused for her girlfriend even though she is actually 52 years old already.

You Won’t Believe How                               Old This Woman Really Is

Pamela says one of the secrets of looking young is smiling lots and enjoying life.

You Won’t Believe How                               Old This Woman Really Is

She maintains...


9 years ago


We won't let you down : Ministers

New ministers yesterday pledged to support President John Magufuli in his effort to bring the country development.


9 years ago


Slaa : I won’t run away from TZ

Former Chadema Secretary General Willibrod Slaa has said he will run away from Tanzania as claimed by many people.


11 years ago


$4m lease deal won

Nairobi-based asset leasing firm, Vehicle and Equipment Leasing Limited (Vaell) has won a $4 million deal to provide graders, lease excavators, compressors, drills, breakers, tippers and wheel loaders to a group of mining firms in Tanzania.



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