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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM says Ukawa has panicked as alliance alleges results fraud

The opposition alliance Ukawa yesterday accused CCM of tampering with election results currently being released by the National Electoral Commission (NEC).


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


VIDEO: Opposition alleges Guinea poll fraud

Guinea's opposition is calling for a re-run of Sunday's presidential election even before the votes have been counted.


11 years ago


UKAWA: Opposition alliance that battled Kikwete, now facing Sitta

Daily News
UKAWA: Opposition alliance that battled Kikwete, now facing Sitta
UKAWA, the Alliance for People's Constitution in the Constituent Assembly sounds very unfamiliar to many people, but it is the same people that pushed for national support against the Constitutional Review (Amendments) Bill2013. Ukawa, which is a ...
CA members commend president's inaugural speechDaily News
New Chapter in History As Kikwete Inaugurates CA On

all 22


9 years ago


Ukawa: Twaweza poll results not credible

Speaking at a press conference in Dar es Salaam today NCCR Mageuzi national chairman Mr James Mbatia and Ukawa co-chairman, raised doubts about the credibility of the methodology used by Twaweza  in the recently published opinion poll.


9 years ago


Ukawa furious over Union presidential election results

Ukawa furious over Union presidential election results
The Opposition coalition Ukawa yesterday claimed that presidential results that are being announced by the National Electoral Commission (NEC) had been tampered with to favour the ruling party CCM. Speaking to reporters in Dar es Salaam, Chadema ...
Planned LNG plant to spur economic growthDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Ruling party holds lead in Tanzania electionDaily Mail
Tanzania's Magufuli Set...


9 years ago


Ukawa leaders want release of poll results suspended

Ukawa leaders want release of poll results suspended
Leaders of the opposition coalition known as Ukawa have called for the immediate suspension in announcing the Union Presidential results. This is only hours after news broke out early yesterday that the Zanzibar Electoral Commission had cancelled the ...
US 'Alarmed' at Annulment of Zanzibar ElectionVoice of America
Diplomats 'alarmed' by Zanzibar vote annulmentNew Vision
EAC observer mission commends general election...


9 years ago


Ligi daraja la pili Alliance Sports yaanza vema nyumbani  CCM Kirumba.


Hekaheka za kuwania nafasi ya kufuzu kuingia ligi daraja la kwanza Tanzania Bara zimeanza katika uwanja wa michezo wa CCM Kirumba kwa timu ya soka ya Alliance Sports  Academy ya Mwanza kumenyana na Madini Fc kutoka mkoani Arusha kwa kundi B

Mchezo huo uliokuwa wa ushindani mkubwa umemalizika kwa Timu ya Alliance kuibuka na ushindi wa bao 2-0 dhidi mpinzani wake  Madini  FC ya Arusha.

 Mchezo huo uliokuwa na ushangiliaji wa aina yake kwa mashabiki wa timu ya Alliance Sports Academy ya...


10 years ago


VIDEO: Marikana mine massacre: 'Police panicked'

Nomsa Maseko hears from two policemen who gave evidence to the inquiry into the Marikana mine massacre.


9 years ago


We’re happy with results: CCM

CCM claims that preliminary election results  show the ruling party has won parliamnetary seats in 176 constituencies out of 264 contested countrywide.


9 years ago


CCM set to contest election results in four constituencies

VICTORY: Celebrating another office mandate



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