Celebrity act of Kindness
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
5 years ago
BBC News16 Mar
Coronavirus: 'Acts of kindness' plea after 88-year-old's death
9 years ago
Dewji Blog05 Sep
How Tanzanian farmers share water according to sex and status!! The kindness of neighbours
The farmer in Mufindi-Tanzania.
IN THE semi-arid lowlands of Mufindi, in southern Tanzania, water is hard to come by. Villagers rely on irrigation to grow maize, potatoes and spinach. Informal and often woolly codes govern how much water each farmer diverts to their own fields, and how much they leave for their neighbours downstream. Some farmers, naturally, turn out to be more grasping than others. Economists typically see such decisions as irreducible: there is no accounting for...
9 years ago
Bongo503 Nov
Celebrity Endorsements: Do our celebrities know their value?
Honestly it baffles me when i log in online and see celebrities sharing photos of expensive drinks there were having previous night yet the company hasn’t paid for the advertising,i made a mental note here.
First, do celebrities know their value? Why is he/she a (free) walking billboard advertisement? Do you get paid to do so? Stop this mentality of ‘Tunajibamba or we ballin’.
Nowadays most companies do away with advertising firms for costly commercial shoots by getting a celebrity to...
10 years ago
Michuzi09 Apr
#TipsForLife by bongo celebrity
#TipsForLife: You can go on www.NameChk.com to see every website where your username has been used.
#TipsForLife Are Brought To You By www.BongoCelebrity.com
10 years ago
VIDEO: Elba 'using celebrity' to help Ebola
5 years ago
Anyone's a Celebrity Streamer With This Open Source App
10 years ago
TheCitizen01 May
The Zari All White Party a celebrity affair
10 years ago
Dewji Blog09 Sep