How Tanzanian farmers share water according to sex and status!! The kindness of neighbours
The farmer in Mufindi-Tanzania.
IN THE semi-arid lowlands of Mufindi, in southern Tanzania, water is hard to come by. Villagers rely on irrigation to grow maize, potatoes and spinach. Informal and often woolly codes govern how much water each farmer diverts to their own fields, and how much they leave for their neighbours downstream. Some farmers, naturally, turn out to be more grasping than others. Economists typically see such decisions as irreducible: there is no accounting for...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Addis Fortune31 Mar
Tanzania Ratifies NBI Hoping to Increase Water Share
Addis Fortune
The Tanzanian Parliament unanimously endorsed Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) treaty that defines the share of the Nile River among the Nile riparian countries on Thursday. In 2010, upstream states, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania met in ...
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BBC News17 Dec
Clove price drop hits Tanzanian farmers
BBC News
BBC News
Cloves are a vital ingredient in many spicy dishes, and particularly popular in Europe around Christmas time. But the farmers who produce them have seen dramatic price falls recently. Clove farmers in Tanzania are calling for more government help to sustain ...
10 years ago
VIDEO: Clove price hits Tanzanian farmers
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AllAfrica.Com11 Jun
Tanzanian Farmers Call On Government to Improve Access to Markets to Sell ...
Dar es Salaam — Tanzanian smallholder farmers are asking for more support to help them sell their produce. Through an innovative poll, led by Farm Radio International, 8,891 farmers nationwide were consulted on their access to reliable, local markets.
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GlobalPost25 Nov
How a $1.42 billion project failed to bring water to this Tanzanian village
A women in the rural Tanzanian village of Mtumbatu pushes a bicycle loaded with water up a hill. (Shannon Jensen/The GroundTruth Project/GlobalPost). Editor's note: This is Part Two of a series produced by The GroundTruth Project for GlobalPost, funded ...
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When neighbours quarrel: How M
Mail & Guardian Africa
Mail & Guardian Africa
THE relationship between East African neighbours Kenya and Tanzania is a complex one, frequently eluding neat analysis, but two things reliably capture the prevailing spirit: tour vans and Kenya Airways. Transport flare-ups usually signal an active dispute ...
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