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Tanzania Ratifies NBI Hoping to Increase Water Share
Tanzania Ratifies NBI Hoping to Increase Water Share
Addis Fortune
The Tanzanian Parliament unanimously endorsed Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) treaty that defines the share of the Nile River among the Nile riparian countries on Thursday. In 2010, upstream states, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania met in ...
The Nile Project's fifteen musician ensemble to perform at UMass Fine Arts
Nile Basin Countries Can End Stalemate Over River Amicably - Sudanese...

Addis Fortune

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Tecno to increase share of smart phone market in EA

Tecno Mobile Limited has officially unveiled its ‘Phantom 5’ in the Tanzanian market as it seeks to get an increased share of smart phone market in East Africa’s second largest economy.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

How Tanzanian farmers share water according to sex and status!! The kindness of neighbours

CN7mFfuWUAEN3BrThe farmer in Mufindi-Tanzania.

IN THE semi-arid lowlands of Mufindi, in southern Tanzania, water is hard to come by. Villagers rely on irrigation to grow maize, potatoes and spinach. Informal and often woolly codes govern how much water each farmer diverts to their own fields, and how much they leave for their neighbours downstream. Some farmers, naturally, turn out to be more grasping than others. Economists typically see such decisions as irreducible: there is no accounting for...


5 years ago

Galus Australis

Global Pipeline Water Purifier Market Share, Trends and Leading Players by 2025

Global Pipeline Water Purifier Market Share, Trends and Leading Players by 2025  Galus Australis


10 years ago


Tanzania ratifies River Nile basin convention

Tanzania now becomes the third country to ratify the agreement on the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework (CFA), after Rwanda and Ethiopia.


10 years ago


Tanzania’s exports to India increase by 70pc

Tanzania’s exports to India increased by about 70 per cent last year as the two countries amplify efforts to boost their bilateral trade relations, it was revealed yesterday.


11 years ago


Tanzania: Increase Access to Secondary School

Human Rights Watch
Tanzania: Increase Access to Secondary School
Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. Tweet Widget Facebook Like Email The Tanzanian government should allow children access to secondary school regardless of their final primary school ...
Letter by HRW and TCRF to Tanzania Minister of EducationHuman Rights Watch

all 3


10 years ago

TeleSUR English

Tanzania Investigates Increase in Tuskless Elephants

teleSUR English
Tanzania Investigates Increase in Tuskless Elephants
teleSUR English
Tanzania's Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources announced that in the 2015/2016 fiscal year the government will allocate funds for research aimed at finding the reasons behind the increase of tuskless elephants in the country's national parks.
Tanzania Resources Ministry is studying elephants without tusksCoastweek

all 2


10 years ago


Witch hunts increase in Tanzania as albino deaths jump

Witch hunts increase in Tanzania as albino deaths jump
Older women are living in fear in this rural part of northwestern Tanzania as the lynching of suspected witches increases. Loading… Post to Facebook. Witch hunts increase in Tanzania as albino deaths jump Older women are living in fear in this rural part of ...
Government encouraged to asign security task force where PwA liveIPPmedia
Tanzanian Families Seek Safe Havens for Albino Children, Fear

all 4...


10 years ago


Tanzania military plan to increase defence budget by 30 per cent

Tanzania military plan to increase defence budget by 30 per cent
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania has said that it will increase its defense budget by 30 per cent in the next fiscal year. Hussein Mwinyi, the east African nation's Minister for Defense and National Service, told the National Assembly in capital ...
Security first priority - govtIPPmedia
State to strengthen security using high-tech equipmentDaily News

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