
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Chadema criticised for telling people to read speech online

CCM cadres in Singida region have criticised Chadema’s decision to direct wananchi to read the campaign launch speech of its presidential candidate on the Internet.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Telling the stories of ordinary Tanzanian people

If you, like many Africans survive on a steady and somewhat gluttonous diet of western films and documentaries and crave something original and packed with local flavour, then Taswira Yetu is just the show for you.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

All salary people must read this..!


After 2 years of selfless service, I realized that I had not been promoted, no salary increment, no commendation.

So I decided to walk up to my HR Manager. The manager looked at me, smiled and asked me to sit down saying: “My friend you have not worked here for even a single day.”

I was shocked to hear this !!!, but the manager went on to explain, and here’s the conversation that took place.

Manager: How many days are there in a year?

Me: 365 days and sometimes 366.

Manager: How many hours...


10 years ago


How many people care about this speech not written to address the issues rather than blaming CCM

Dr Anicetus Temba
How many people care about this speech not written to address the issues rather than blaming CCM.

Sehemu ndogo ya speech ya Dr. Slaa akiwa PURDUE University, USA April 13, 2015 Dr. Slaa Delivers Yet Another Outstanding Speech Calls CCM Tumorous Cancer ! It is the CCM pandemic, which has stagnated economic progress; killing country’s innovation spirit, by flooding our domestic market with dangerous, substandard and unreasonably cheap goods from Far East 
It is this CCM, a...


5 years ago


Series Mania Hails “Great Success” Of Online Forum As 1,500 People Log On

Series Mania Hails “Great Success” Of Online Forum As 1,500 People Log On  DeadlineSeriesMania Reveals Viewing Figures for First Digital-Only Festival  Hollywood ReporterView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

One year in: How Facebook’s Free Basic Services are bringing people online


Facebook is celebrating the one-year anniversary of the introduction of the app by hosting a Developer Day at iHub in Nairobi, Kenya on Monday, 27 July

* brings new users onto mobile networks on average over 50% faster after launching free basic services

*More than half of the people who come online through are paying for data and accessing the internet within the first month

* users accessed health services more than a million times just in...


11 years ago


It’s not easy telling your own story

I attended a creative nonfiction writing workshop last week. It was quite intensive and emotionally exhausting too. The facilitator,


11 years ago


Jailed for telling the story

It was another dark moment for the journalism profession and freedom of expression when the Egyptian Judge condemned three Al Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison each.


10 years ago


Telling the forgotten stories of MV Liemba

To the passengers aboard the Tanzania Railway Limited (TRL) coach, these were just some wazungus enjoying life in this part of the world. But for the Das letzte Kleinod, this was a pursuit of stories that connect the Germany landscape to the rest of the world.


11 years ago


UDA: who’s telling the truth and who isn’t?

There was cheer when in October 2012 the Transport ministry launched the city commuter railway service.



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