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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


UDA: who’s telling the truth and who isn’t?

There was cheer when in October 2012 the Transport ministry launched the city commuter railway service.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Who’s telling truth in sugar shortage story?

>For some years now, we have been made to believe there are two things happening in the sugar industry: One, we have been informed there is an influx of imported sugar, which is certain to kill the local sugar industry. And two, we have often been told that there is an acute shortage of sugar, the reported influx notwithstanding!


11 years ago


Truth about Boko Haram isn’t told

>With the abduction of the Nigerian girls, the government of President Goodluck Jonathan has refused to exchange the girls for imprisoned Boko Haram members. Whilst the government has been in dialogue with some sect members  with regards to amnesty and clemency, it seems the insurgency brings political gains to the government


10 years ago


11 years ago


It’s not easy telling your own story

I attended a creative nonfiction writing workshop last week. It was quite intensive and emotionally exhausting too. The facilitator,


11 years ago


Jailed for telling the story

It was another dark moment for the journalism profession and freedom of expression when the Egyptian Judge condemned three Al Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison each.


11 years ago


There are not enough storytellers telling African stories

>Lisa Noudehou clearly remembers how her father used to read to her when she was a little girl. Together, they would make up stories and enjoy each other’s company that way. Now that Lisa has children of her own – Matoko (19) and Sena (15) – she has had many made up stories with the two of them.


9 years ago


In pictures: Telling time in Bamako

Thirteen sideways views of African life


10 years ago


Telling the forgotten stories of MV Liemba

To the passengers aboard the Tanzania Railway Limited (TRL) coach, these were just some wazungus enjoying life in this part of the world. But for the Das letzte Kleinod, this was a pursuit of stories that connect the Germany landscape to the rest of the world.


10 years ago


With these bills, what’s dar telling the world?

The year 2015 will go down in the history of our country as one in which the government introduced three Bills that compromise our freedom of expression. The Statistics Act of 2015, the Cybercrime Act of 2015 and now the scheduled Media Service Bill of 2015 are draconian and totally unacceptable in a democracy.



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