
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Who’s telling truth in sugar shortage story?

>For some years now, we have been made to believe there are two things happening in the sugar industry: One, we have been informed there is an influx of imported sugar, which is certain to kill the local sugar industry. And two, we have often been told that there is an acute shortage of sugar, the reported influx notwithstanding!


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


UDA: who’s telling the truth and who isn’t?

There was cheer when in October 2012 the Transport ministry launched the city commuter railway service.


11 years ago


It’s not easy telling your own story

I attended a creative nonfiction writing workshop last week. It was quite intensive and emotionally exhausting too. The facilitator,


11 years ago


Jailed for telling the story

It was another dark moment for the journalism profession and freedom of expression when the Egyptian Judge condemned three Al Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison each.


10 years ago


Concern over shortage of sugar in EA

Excessive imports of sugar and high cost of production are to blame for the crisis affecting the sugar industry in East Africa; it was announced here on Friday.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Let the truth set us free!

>Land disputes, which we used to hear of only in other African countries, are now right here with us. We no longer read about them. We witness them in our neighbourhoods.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Our Stand: Truth and justice for all

>South Africa is accusing both local and international media of blowing out of proportion the attacks on foreigners in that country. If the top leaders in South Africa had their way, the media would give the mayhem a blackout and focus on supposedly not tarnishing the Rainbow Nation’s image as a peaceful and safe place to live.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Time to tell the truth about the referendum

>In yesterday’s edition of The Citizen, we reported that the planned referendum on the Proposed Constitution could be held side by side with the October elections instead of April 30, which has been widely publicised.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Death of UN Boss: Will the truth finally out?

There is a very real possibility that we may finally get to know who killed Dag Hammarskjold, the one-time United Nations secretary general who died in a plane crash in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. The world’s top diplomat was on a peace mission when he died. There are those who believe he was a victim of foul play linked with the Cold War.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tap forest wealth to tackle desk shortage

>Newspaper photographs depicting pupils sitting on dusty floors, bricks and stones in ramshackle classrooms have literally ceased to be news. This is because lack of decent furniture for learners is publicised so frequently that it is common knowledge except to first-time visitors to the country.



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