
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Concern over shortage of sugar in EA

Excessive imports of sugar and high cost of production are to blame for the crisis affecting the sugar industry in East Africa; it was announced here on Friday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Who’s telling truth in sugar shortage story?

>For some years now, we have been made to believe there are two things happening in the sugar industry: One, we have been informed there is an influx of imported sugar, which is certain to kill the local sugar industry. And two, we have often been told that there is an acute shortage of sugar, the reported influx notwithstanding!


11 years ago


Concern over meagre budget

>It has been revealed that the 2014/15 national budget for essential medicines and medical supplies, which is Sh45.8 billion, is expected to cover only 7.7 per cent of the demand.


10 years ago


SA concern at Nigeria 'mercenaries'

South Africa's government says it is concerned at reports that its citizens have been contracted to help Nigeria's army fight Boko Haram militants.


10 years ago


Concern over feral dogs

>Arusha residents have expressed concern over a growing number of feral dogs in the streets.


10 years ago


Concern over male dominance

>An increase in enrolment of girls in science secondary schools has not helped to reduce the gap between boys and girls in technical colleges, Communication, Science and Technology minister Prof Makame Mbarawe has said.


11 years ago


Concern over provision to block media

The Constituent Assembly has set a stage which will see media barred from attending committee meetings, if the agreement they reached during a workshop on draft regulations is adopted by the Assembly later next week.


10 years ago


Concern rife over tuskless elephants

>The government is planning to conduct an extensive research to determine why the number of elephants that do not develop tusks has been increasing in the recent years.


11 years ago


From an arm chair activist to whom it may concern

Allow me to start by introducing myself as a self-proclaimed social-political arm chair activist. That is, I prefer to make noise from a distance about the failures of our system, from the comfort zone of a home or behind (social) media.


10 years ago


BVR kits malfunction, cause concern

>The pilot update of the voter register in three wards in Kinondoni Constituency using the biometric voter registration (BVR) technology has faced several challenges, including equipment breakdown.



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