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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Civil society bodies challenged on civic polls

Daily News
Civil society bodies challenged on civic polls
Daily News
WITH just a few weeks to go before the civic elections, civil society organizations (CSO) have been challenged to educate the society about their rights and responsibilities in the electoral process and even the constitutional referendum. The Minter for ...
EU signs signed 7 grant contracts with Montenegrin civil society Business News

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Ensure peaceful polls, urge civic bodies

The National Council of NGOs (Nacongo) yesterday appealed to authorities to urgently work on what they described as issues that were likely to ignite chaos ahead of the October 25 General Election.


10 years ago


Jittery times ahead of polls as grip on civil society tightened

On the evening of January 24, 2012, Mr Bruno Mwambene was weeding his small farm in Tazara, a small, windswept rural town in Mbeya, Tanzania, when he saw two police officers assaulting a motorcycle rider.


9 years ago


Civil society demands clarity on constitution

Civil society organisations yesterday demanded that presidential candidates make their positions on the stalled constitution review process clear.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Call to civil society organizations to apply for funding


Call for proposals UNDEF 2014.pdf by moblog


10 years ago

Daily News

Civil servants urged to brace for civic poll challenges

Civil servants urged to brace for civic poll challenges
Daily News
CIVIL servants working under the Mintry of Regional Admintration and Local Government meeting here for three days, have been urged to prepare themselves for challenges likely to crop up as the country moves towards a series of political elections.


11 years ago


Meeting stresses civil society role to protect environment

Meeting stresses civil society role to protect environment
The Civil Society Organization (CSOs) in the country should take concerns and publicly pose challenges against policies and practices that deter the efforts made towards environmental initiatives to avert environmental depletion. According to World Wide ...


10 years ago


Civil society calls for transparency, involvement in the BRV exercise

Civil society calls for transparency, involvement in the BRV exercise
Tanzania Civil Society Consortium on Election Observation (TACCEO) yesterday called upon the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to be transparent and involve all election stakeholders during the registration through the Biometric Voters Registration ...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

EU and African civil society is ready to cooperate in tackling the refugee crisis

Belgium, Brussels - Oct 28 - Bilateral meeting Between the EESC President Georges Dassis and the AU ECOSOCC President Joseph Chilengi at the occasion of the Second meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network © EU2015 2015_10_28_EU_Africa_Bilateral

Belgium, Brussels – Oct 28 – Bilateral meeting Between the EESC President Georges Dassis and the AU ECOSOCC President Joseph Chilengi at the occasion of the Second meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network.

-2nd meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network adopts joint resolution

An approach based on full cooperation with African countries and respect for human rights in tackling the refugee flows into the EU has the full support of civil society from both continents....


10 years ago

Daily News

Uganda hosts EAC private sector, civil society meeting

Uganda hosts EAC private sector, civil society meeting
Daily News
OVER 100 delegates are expected to attend a two-day East African Community (EAC) Secretary General's Forum for private sector and civil society in Entebbe this weekend. Uganda's Minister for East African Community (EAC) Affairs, Hon. Shem Bageine, is ...
Annual EAC Secretary General's Forum for Private Sector, Civil Society and

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