
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Consumers need protection

The 2014/15 Budget came into effect yesterday after it was approved by Parliament and the subsequent passing of the Finance Bill 2014 last weekend.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Expert: Why Tanzania has more consumers than producers

QUESTION: Why do we need a census? ANSWER: A census has so much potential. Almost every aspect of economic growth can be linked on census results. The 2012 census results will be very important in shaping Tanzania’s future because the data presents information on the characteristics of the population all the way to ward level.


11 years ago


Consumers up in arms over irregular electricity supply

For over a week, power supply in sections of Dar es Salaam City has been highly erratic giving the impression that there is an unannounced load shedding.


9 years ago


Relief to oil consumers as prices fall

This year has started with relief to fuel consumers as the regulator announced lower prices for petrol, diesel and kerosene through January.


10 years ago


Asian consumers unaware of poaching, says HK lawmaker

Ambitious drive will be launched soon to persuade Asians to stop buying poached trophies


10 years ago


Why local oil consumers won’t gain much

>Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (Ewura) yesterday told a parliamentary committee that since 40 per cent of the pump charges in Tanzania comprises taxes, the unprecedented price fall of crude oil at the world market will be of minimal relief to consumers in the country.


10 years ago


Luku woes mess Dar consumers

>Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) has admitted that there is a technical problem with customers who recharge their accounts through the pre-paid (Luku) system.


10 years ago


Review of taxes will be good for fuel consumers

There is a close link between fuel prices and the cost of other products and services in any given economy. Food and non-alcoholic beverages account for a 47.8 per cent weighting in the basket of goods upon which the rate of price rises (inflation) is computed in Tanzania--the consumer price index. Most of these products need to be transported to the market.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

African insurers must innovate to attract digital consumers

Basic CMYK


Clinton Brown, SSP Business Development Manager.

*A recent survey on innovation showed that consumers expect a high degree of innovation from their financial service providers

 Insurers who are able to innovate when it comes to the design and delivery of products and services will not only be fostering greater loyalty amongst their consumers, but they will also be helping to change the perception that the insurance industry is still playing catch up.

“African insurers have a great...


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Expert: Why Tanzania has more consumers than producers

>ANSWER: A census has so much potential.  Almost every aspect of economic growth can be linked on census results. The 2012 census results will be very important in shaping Tanzania’s future because the data presents information on the characteristics of the population all the way to ward level.



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