
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Corruption monster is not tackled earnestly

Grand corruption, the crime that makes poor Tanzanians poorer,forcing many to die in want, is clothed in many robes, and treated as a big spoon, not a spade.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Conning: An ailment that must be tackled

One of the features of our beloved Kiswahili is that, the language hosts catchy words and expressions.


11 years ago

Daily News

Youth unemployment needs to be tackled once and for all

Daily News
Youth unemployment needs to be tackled once and for all
Daily News
DEVELOPMENT partners have been asked to cooperate with government in providing training and employment of youth. Mwanza Regional Commissioner (RC), Eng. Evarist Ndikilo said this on Friday during activities to mark World Population Day in Mwanza ...


11 years ago


Contract farming hurdles to be tackled

Players in cotton contract farming have resolved to address challenges facing it.Last year, the government commissioned eminent people from cotton-growing regions to look into problems facing the crop and find solutions to them.


10 years ago


Graft must be strongly tackled, says Malasusa

>The Lead Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), Dr Alex Malasusa, has strongly condemned the rising moral decadence expressed in the form of corruption among leaders and civil servants.


11 years ago


Poaching must be tackled at all costs to save rhinos, jumbos

Poaching is threatening the future of two of Tanzania’s most magnificent animals, the rhino and elephant.


10 years ago


Monster Maid Video Goes Global

The recorded video in which a Ugandan maid, Jolly Tumuhiirwe, 22, was kicking and stomping a child after the 2-year-old Aneela Kamanzi has gone viral and it has so far obtained over 21 million views.The video has also captured attention from International media houses like BBC, Daily Mail, Sowentan Live, Afro Cosmopolitan and many more.
In the gory footage, a visibly disgusted Jolly Tumuhiirwe is seen using a spoon to feed the child – Arnella – by force on what looks like porridge. When the...


10 years ago


Is dollarisation monster that has defied BoT?

The Budget preparations season in Tanzania for the 2015/16 financial year is over. Or is it...? Indeed, the end of one Budget preparation processes signals the beginning of preparations for the next Budget — and so on; and so forth!


10 years ago


When debt becomes a hydra-headed monster

Generally speaking, Parliamentary Budget sessions provide exciting times – especially when they coincide with general election processes as is the case in Tanzania today.


10 years ago


Google earth yamtafuta Loch Ness Monster

Mtandao wa kutafuta ramani wa Google earth umeorodheshwa katika harakati za kusaka tovuti ya Loch Ness Monster.



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