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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


When debt becomes a hydra-headed monster

Generally speaking, Parliamentary Budget sessions provide exciting times – especially when they coincide with general election processes as is the case in Tanzania today.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Corruption, a hydra-headed crime, is deeply entrenched in Africa ntinent

Since the days of colonialism, Western countries have always had an obligation to support former colonial territories in terms of development. Colonial governments set up social, political and economic structures.


5 years ago

New Day Live

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)  New Day Live


10 years ago


Is dollarisation monster that has defied BoT?

The Budget preparations season in Tanzania for the 2015/16 financial year is over. Or is it...? Indeed, the end of one Budget preparation processes signals the beginning of preparations for the next Budget — and so on; and so forth!


10 years ago


Monster Maid Video Goes Global

The recorded video in which a Ugandan maid, Jolly Tumuhiirwe, 22, was kicking and stomping a child after the 2-year-old Aneela Kamanzi has gone viral and it has so far obtained over 21 million views.The video has also captured attention from International media houses like BBC, Daily Mail, Sowentan Live, Afro Cosmopolitan and many more.
In the gory footage, a visibly disgusted Jolly Tumuhiirwe is seen using a spoon to feed the child – Arnella – by force on what looks like porridge. When the...


11 years ago


Corruption monster is not tackled earnestly

Grand corruption, the crime that makes poor Tanzanians poorer,forcing many to die in want, is clothed in many robes, and treated as a big spoon, not a spade.


9 years ago


Where is wearable tech headed?

I feel like Google glass is like an avant-garde designer piece by like Vivienne Westwood, something crazy and totally impractical for everyday life.


11 years ago


CECAFA headed for better destiny-Musonye

As the inaugural CECAFA Nile Basin Cup tournament goes into the finals in Khartoum City this Wednesday afternoon, the CECAFA Secretary General Nicholas Musonye  (pictured) believes despite the numerous hurdles, the region is headed for a better destination in football development.   To read on CLICK HERE


10 years ago


Google earth yamtafuta Loch Ness Monster

Mtandao wa kutafuta ramani wa Google earth umeorodheshwa katika harakati za kusaka tovuti ya Loch Ness Monster.


11 years ago


Dutch populist politician targets ‘Brussels monster’ from within

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders is riding high ahead of this month’s European Parliament elections, hoping to destroy from within what he calls the ‘monster of Brussels’.



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