COVER: Smiles hide bitter S.Sudan realities
>They strode into the meeting hall looking serious, a reflection that many hours of a closed door session was no easy task for the worrying situation in strife-torn South Sudan.
Habari Zinazoendana
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Analysis: South Sudan's bitter divide
South Sudan's leaders have failed to live up to independence hopes
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If we could see alternate realities, would we want to take a look?
If we could see alternate realities, would we want to take a look? TechCrunchWhat is the purpose of belief in a world of innovation? TechCrunchView Full coverage on Google News
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How local varsities are facing the online learning realities
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THE CULTURE BEAT: How the rich are protected from harsh realities of life
>Privilege has a way of keeping those that are part of the system from the realities of the world.
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TheCitizen15 Jun
The longest word ? It is SMILES
If you laid all the world’s statisticians end-to-end, they would still point in every direction.
What is the longest word in the English language?
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TheCitizen30 Apr
Smiles, frowns of 50 years of Union of Tanganyika, Zanzibar
>Tanzanians have just celebrated 50 years – Golden Jubilee -- of the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Formerly, the two entities were independent of each other. However, on April 26, 1964 they agreed to form what was known then as the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
10 years ago
Vijimambo26 Jan
By EVELYNE MUSAMBI, @EvelyneMusambi
Despite dazzling in a white evening gown and a dress with Kenya’s national colors, Gaylyne Ayugi never made it to the 2014 Miss Universe finalists.
The 20-year-old Zetech University student, who was among 88 contestants in the global beauty pageant, was well received by the audience in Doral-Miami at the FIU Arena.
Gaylyne, who resembles...
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Owners of SMEs all smiles as oil pipeline project launched
Expectations are high among small and medium enterprises following the launch of the Sh8 trillion crude oil pipeline in Chongoleani Village, Tanga Region.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania