Crime wave threatens Dar es Salaam tourism
eTurboNewsCrime wave threatens Dar es Salaam tourism
A crime wave has hit Tanzania's capital city of Dar es Salaam, threatening the safety of its residents, tourists, and other foreigners visiting and residing in this sprawling African seaside metropolis. Criminals including gangsters and armed robbers have in ...
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Habari Zinazoendana
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New, larger wave of locusts threatens millions in Africa
New, larger wave of locusts threatens millions in Africa NBCNews.comView Full coverage on Google News
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Billions of Locusts Invade in New, Larger Wave as Second Swarm Threatens Africa: 'Extremely Alarming'
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TheCitizen22 Apr
How dynamite fishing threatens marine tourism in Tanga Region
A German tourist who has been visiting Tanga coastline for the past 14 years for scuba diving and snorkelling says he is alarmed by the rising dynamite fishing.
11 years ago
TheCitizen22 Apr
SPECIAL REPORT: How dynamite fishing threatens marine tourism in Tanga Region
>A German tourist who has been visiting Tanga coastline for the past 14 years for scuba diving and snorkelling says he is alarmed by the rising dynamite fishing.
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ETurboNews13 Feb
Tackling wildlife crime and protecting tourism Tanzania blasts British media over ...
TANZANIA (eTN) - Lobbying for global support to combat poaching of elephants and ban bloody ivory trade during Thursday's international conference to tackle wildlife crime in London, the Tanzania government has blasted the British media over a recent ...
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PICHANI JUU: Taswira mbalimbali zikionyesha Kivuko cha MV.Dar es Salaam kikiwa kimeshushwa majini jana tayari kwa kuanza safari ya kuja Tanzania kutokea nchini…
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klabu za michezo za maveterani Dar es salaam kurehemu marehemu Jumatatu (Mapinduzi Day) Leaders club, Kinondoni, jijini Dar es salaam
Umoja wa klabu za michezo za maveterani Dar es salaam, chini ya uratibu wa klabu za Singasinga na Tazara, unatangaza rasmi kwamba shughuli ya kurehemu wanachama wenzetu ambao wametangulia mbele ya haki itafanyika JUMATATU 12/1/2015, ikiwa pia ni sehemu ya kuadhimisha sikukuu ya Mapinduzi.
Ratiba itaanza Saa 7 mchana katika viwanja vya Leaders club jijini Dar es salaam. Dua zitafanyika kutoka kwa Father Oscar na Sheikh Kipoozeo. Dua hizo zitafuatiwa na Chakula cha pamoja cha mchana...
Ratiba itaanza Saa 7 mchana katika viwanja vya Leaders club jijini Dar es salaam. Dua zitafanyika kutoka kwa Father Oscar na Sheikh Kipoozeo. Dua hizo zitafuatiwa na Chakula cha pamoja cha mchana...
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Tanzania Today
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania