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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CTI: 20pc of imported products counterfeit

The Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) recalled substandard antimalarial drugs Metakelfin off drug store shelves and destroyed S-26 breast milk substitute baby formula.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Schneider Electric releases the first survey on counterfeit electrical products in Africa


Counterfeiting of most common electrical products is widely spread in all African countries, representing 40% to 80% of their markets

 Schneider Electric (, the world specialist in energy management, releases the first survey on electrical counterfeiting products ever conveyed in Africa.

Download the survey:

The survey took place in eleven African countries: Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the...


11 years ago


Our counterfeit gadget culture

Let me start by cowardly sliding a disclaimer on the table. This is by no means an attack on any individuals: users, purchasers, owners or proprietors of counterfeit goods, which let’s be honest is a large number of people in the country.


11 years ago


TZ export-import gap up 20pc

Tanzania’s current account deficit widened by 18.56 per cent in 12 months ending November 2013 resulting from a drop in its exports compared with imports.


11 years ago


Uhuru, Ruto to take 20pc salary cut

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto will take a 20 per cent pay cut, it has been announced.


11 years ago


FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions

FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions
An official with Fair Competition Commission (2nd-R) and a police officer (not pictured) undertake enforcement procedure at the Arusha Regional Police office. The Fair Competition Commission (FCC) has impounded counterfeits goods worth 30m/- in a raid ...


11 years ago

Daily News

20pc standard seven leavers shun public schools

20pc standard seven leavers shun public schools
Daily News
ABOUT 20 per cent of the 63,378 standard seven leavers who were offered learning places in public secondary schools in Dar es Salaam this year snubbed the offer, opting for private schools, instead. The Dar es Salaam Regional Administrative Secretary ...


10 years ago


Rombo MP wants apology over ‘imported sex’

>The Rombo MP yesterday asked the government to apologise over remarks he alleged to have been made by the District Commissioner of that area over excessive drinking of people in that community.


11 years ago


Farmers lose 20pc of produce to pests, says input supplier

 Farmers lose up to 20 per cent of grain their harvests because of poor storage, it emerged here during a capacity building workshop for stakeholders in the agriculture sector. A farm input supplier, Mr Gesso Bajuta, attributed most of the losses to attacks by pests, noting that the problem could be contained with ample supply of pesticides.


10 years ago


TCC profit drops 20pc on higher excise tax

>Increased excise tax on tobacco products is hitting hard on the profitability of Tanzania Cigarette Company which recorded 20 per cent drop in the first half of 2014. TCC which is listed on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange recorded Sh35.3 billion as profit after tax for the six months ending June 30, 2014 compared to Sh44.3 billion it recorded in the same period last year, according to the firm’s financial statement.



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