
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Our counterfeit gadget culture

Let me start by cowardly sliding a disclaimer on the table. This is by no means an attack on any individuals: users, purchasers, owners or proprietors of counterfeit goods, which let’s be honest is a large number of people in the country.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Can a $7 gadget change the world?

The $7 gadget that's being tested in Kenya


10 years ago


Gadget to Monitor Albinos Coming

Gadget to Monitor Albinos Coming
Dodoma — The government is assessing a new gadget that will be used to protect and monitor the whereabouts of people living with Albinism in a move to protect them against killings. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Pereira Amme Silima, said the new ...


11 years ago


CTI: 20pc of imported products counterfeit

The Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) recalled substandard antimalarial drugs Metakelfin off drug store shelves and destroyed S-26 breast milk substitute baby formula.


11 years ago


Ush28 billion security gadget for Parliament raises queries

>Officials from Parliament have denied being the originators of the USh28 billion procurement for installation of modern security gadgets in the newly built car park for MPs and House staff.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Schneider Electric releases the first survey on counterfeit electrical products in Africa


Counterfeiting of most common electrical products is widely spread in all African countries, representing 40% to 80% of their markets

 Schneider Electric (, the world specialist in energy management, releases the first survey on electrical counterfeiting products ever conveyed in Africa.

Download the survey:

The survey took place in eleven African countries: Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the...


11 years ago


FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions

FCC staff impound counterfeit goods in raid in Mwanza, Arusha regions
An official with Fair Competition Commission (2nd-R) and a police officer (not pictured) undertake enforcement procedure at the Arusha Regional Police office. The Fair Competition Commission (FCC) has impounded counterfeits goods worth 30m/- in a raid ...


11 years ago


Name-calling, a new culture?

The Constituent Assembly (CA) has now reached a critical stage -- name calling. It seems like some political heavyweights are counter-measuring their naming practices.


10 years ago


Saving is a culture, not how much money you have

>With life getting even more difficult every day, with more bills piling up, education and healthcare becoming more expensive, currencies losing value, and prices of things going up, the only solution is to change how we think about earning, spending, and saving.


9 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Need to appreciate our own culture

It’s like you’ve lost your favourite jewellery. Sofa cushions are turned inside out; dusty corners of the room are massaged for the clue that will lead you to that glint of silver. Spotting the place where the ‘Afropolitan’ girl is comfortable, where the ‘Afropolitan’ male is content in our cities is times like finding that missing jewel.



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