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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


DEAR DIARY: Gendered face of climate change

Something caught my attention as the world leaders met during the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York; a group was demonstrating to show the global impact climate change has on women and their communities.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: It’s not goodbye but see you later

>Leaving on a Jet plane is a song by John Denver, but most people will identify it with its first line All my bags are packed I’m ready to go. My mother loved this song and she hummed it every morning under the bougainvillaea tree as she took a nap. Sooner or later her demise hit us like thunder on a sunny day.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Be encouraged to rise again

>A friend of mine wrote something on her Facebook page that put me on a reflection-mode. Her last year was a tough one and she had a sort of ‘theme’ to help her go through it.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: How we eat says a lot about us

>When it comes to how we eat, the psychology behind our eating behaviour makes me appreciate the stories behind each meal.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Do not enslave yourself to beauty

>Tell me one thing ladies, what part of your body do you want to change? You know, that part you want to be bigger or smaller. You don’t have to think hard. I know that you know it. It is good to admit it to yourself that you dislike that part of your body.


11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Get tested before marriage

>To test or not to test, that is the question. Going for an HIV test can be a very frightening experience; the flash backs about questionable encounters, the crippling self-doubt and even mistrust of your partner can run through your mind.


9 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Why would anyone kill a child?

It is hard to imagine that someone can harm their own child, leave alone a baby. It is human instinct to want and protect life instead of destroying it, especially that of a child. But things happen and sometimes, they happen to you.


11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Is it diversity, or self-expression?

>I added a weave on my head last week, and it always amazes me how one small change on your body can make a huge difference on your looks – negative or positive. I was particularly intrigued about what the salonist had to say about the new weave in town.


9 years ago


DEAR DIARY: They are girls not brides

I was following the First Ladies Summit on child marriage which recently took place in Lusaka closely since I had received an invitation to attend the same but could not make it due to unavoidable circumstances.


11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Be independent and pamper yourself

>My girlfriends and I were in Zanzibar last weekend for Sauti za Busara. We booked the flight three weeks before and hooked up with a friend in the Isles who gladly let us stay in her house.



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