
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


DEAR DIARY: Men should stop street harassment

>I saw a video a few months ago, of a guy who dressed himself up like a woman and walked down the street to know how it feels like to be a woman.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Beat drums not men and women

I met this woman who had a black eye while leaving home for work. So I stopped and after exchanging pleasantries asked her what happened to her eye. This is all she had to say, “Domi alinipiga ngumi”. Loosely translated to mean Domi punched me.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Dear Diary - Beat Drums Not Men and Women

Tanzania: Dear Diary - Beat Drums Not Men and Women
I met this woman who had a black eye while leaving home for work. So I stopped and after exchanging pleasantries asked her what happened to her eye. This is all she had to say, "Domi alinipiga ngumi". Loosely translated to mean Domi punched me.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Albino killings have to stop!

>Enough! Seriously, it is enough. These albino killings, they have to stop already. Hapana, we cannot keep going like this. It is completely unacceptable. Do you hear me? Unacceptable! What we see in the news, it cannot be happening in Tanzania; in our own land and around our clock. What has gotten to us?


11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Stop killing innocent women

>Bring back our girls! It seems like everywhere I turn, that is what I see people chanting about after more than 200 girls were kidnapped by Islamic extremists, Boko Haram. The US First Lady Michelle Obama even posted a photo of herself holding a placard with the plea! People in the West, East have all joined hands to raise one voice, bring back our girls.


10 years ago


Stop harassment by DEDs, says MP

>The government said yesterday that it was not aware of district executive directors (DEDs) who treat opposition grassroots leaders unfairly.


11 years ago


DEAR DIARY: It’s not goodbye but see you later

>Leaving on a Jet plane is a song by John Denver, but most people will identify it with its first line All my bags are packed I’m ready to go. My mother loved this song and she hummed it every morning under the bougainvillaea tree as she took a nap. Sooner or later her demise hit us like thunder on a sunny day.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Be encouraged to rise again

>A friend of mine wrote something on her Facebook page that put me on a reflection-mode. Her last year was a tough one and she had a sort of ‘theme’ to help her go through it.


9 years ago


DEAR DIARY: Why would anyone kill a child?

It is hard to imagine that someone can harm their own child, leave alone a baby. It is human instinct to want and protect life instead of destroying it, especially that of a child. But things happen and sometimes, they happen to you.


10 years ago


DEAR DIARY: How we eat says a lot about us

>When it comes to how we eat, the psychology behind our eating behaviour makes me appreciate the stories behind each meal.



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