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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Develop curricula on schedule, govt directs education body

Develop curricula on schedule, govt directs education body
Education and Vocational Training Deputy Minister Jenista Mhagama ( L ) distributes documents to one of the members of the Council of the National Institute of Education (TIE), Dr. Primus Mkwela at its opening in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Looking on ...
Education institute told to review curriculaDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Education institute told to review curricula

Education institute told to review curricula
Daily News
TANZANIA Institute of Education (TIE) has been urged to focus on the review of the curriculum to ensure its robustness, that it represents national best-practices and that it is suitable for the current environment. Deputy Minister for Education, Jenista Mhagama, ...


9 years ago


South Sudan govt directs civilians to leave UN base

UN ambassador said Wednesday that nearly 180,000 people sheltering in UN bases in his war-torn country should be encouraged to return home despite ongoing fighting.


11 years ago


Govt directs councils to set funds for ward land tribunals

It is illegal for ward land tribunals to either impose fees on suspects or ask for their contributions to run cases, the government has said.


10 years ago


Govt must rethink on referendum schedule

Govt must rethink on referendum schedule
There is every indicator that the referendum process set for April 30 this year will not meet the required standards and possibly it won't amuse development partners who have been financially supporting this county. The complexity of the matter was felt on ...


10 years ago


Shelve referendum schedule, activists urge govt

>Just months to the referendum, activists are calling on the government to postpone the event until after the General Election and focus instead on the October polls. They argue that the country is not in a position to effectively manage the two crucial events, which could make or break the nation.


10 years ago


Govt to create non-tax revenue body

Deputy minister for Finance Mwigulu Nchemba said yesterday the government is planning to form an independent authority specifically for collecting and administering non-tax revenues.


9 years ago


Next govt should bridge rich poor divide: research body

Research institute, Policy Research for Development REPOA has proposed  the next government aim for a minimal eight per cent growth of the country's economy  to meet the vision projected by 2015.


10 years ago


International body praises govt for giving Burundians citizenship

International body praises govt for giving Burundians citizenship
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Tanzania has welcomed the move by the government this week to award citizenship certificates to 162,000 Burundi refugees. IRC's country director in Tanzania, Elijah Okeyo, speaking about the government's ...
Tanzania Grants Citizenship to 162000 Burundian Refugees in Historic
Tanzania's new citizens to get land, voting


11 years ago

Daily News

Govt aims to improve quality of education

Daily News
Govt aims to improve quality of education
Daily News
THE government is working out special incentives to attract the best talents in the teaching profession, with special focus on mathematics and science subjects. Education and Vocational Training Minister, Shukuru Kawambwa said in Dar es Salaam yesterday ...



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