
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Disband CA and let the people elect members

As much as I try to forget constitution making process on grounds that a lot has been said and done about that issue, the topic keeps on creeping back. Earlier, I believed that given what was said and done, we had reached a point where we all saw what was supposed to be done.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Disband CA so people can pick new representatives

Even before the writing of the new Constitution of the country kicked off early this year, there were people who warned that inclusion of politicians was bent to derail the entire process.


10 years ago


Caf set to elect new Fifa members

The Confederation of African Football will on Tuesday elect two new members of Fifa's executive committee.


9 years ago


Elect People Who Can Deliver On Their Promises

Elect People Who Can Deliver On Their Promises - Shein
Zanzibar — Chaama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Isles' Presidential Candidate, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, has urged Zanzibaris to elect people who have demonstrated ability to deliver electoral promises. Incumbent President Shein, seeking to extend his leadership, ...


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Elect people who can deliver on their promises — Shein

Elect people who can deliver on their promises – Shein
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Isles' Presidential Candidate, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, has urged Zanzibaris to elect people who have demonstrated ability to deliver electoral promises. View Comments. Incumbent President Shein, seeking to extend his ...


11 years ago

Daily News

CA members must live up to people's trust

Daily News
CA members must live up to people's trust
Daily News
AFTER weeks of bickering and fiery exchanges in the Constituent Assembly (CA), the House has finally endorsed standing orders that will govern proceedings and how members conduct themselves during sessions. From day one, members seemed to dwell ...
Why new constitution is likely to be stillbornIPPmedia

all 6


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: To CA members: give the people what they want

>Members of the Constituent Assembly (MCAs) want to maintain the clause in the Constitution that forbids a petition against the winner of the presidential vote. This is truly shocking. What the MCAs are proposing is that once the winner of the presidential votes is announced, no one has the constitutional right to appeal.


11 years ago


Constituent Assembly must disband if…

The Constituent Assembly (CA) currently meeting in Dodoma will this week vote on proposed constitutional provisions on whether Tanzania should continue to exist as a two-tier union or transform into a three-government federal republic.


11 years ago


Don’t disband NSSF, workers tell Treasury

>The chairperson National Organisation of Trade Unions, Mr Usher Wilson Owere, yesterday accused officials from the ministry of Finance of planning to disband the workers savings scheme, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).


9 years ago


East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills

East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills
Arusha — The Assembly has granted leave to two Members to introduce Private Members' Bills pursuant to article 59(1) of the Treaty and Rule 64 of the Rules of Procedure. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa will move the EAC Whistleblowers Protection Bill, ...



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