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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Elect people who can deliver on their promises — Shein

Elect people who can deliver on their promises – Shein
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Isles' Presidential Candidate, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, has urged Zanzibaris to elect people who have demonstrated ability to deliver electoral promises. View Comments. Incumbent President Shein, seeking to extend his ...

Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Elect People Who Can Deliver On Their Promises

Elect People Who Can Deliver On Their Promises - Shein
Zanzibar — Chaama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Isles' Presidential Candidate, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, has urged Zanzibaris to elect people who have demonstrated ability to deliver electoral promises. Incumbent President Shein, seeking to extend his leadership, ...


10 years ago


New NMG boss promises to deliver as he meets investors

Mr Muganda reiterates comment that MCL will remain neutral in October election coverage


11 years ago


Disband CA and let the people elect members

As much as I try to forget constitution making process on grounds that a lot has been said and done about that issue, the topic keeps on creeping back. Earlier, I believed that given what was said and done, we had reached a point where we all saw what was supposed to be done.


11 years ago


Can tyranny of numbers deliver a people’s Law?

>With Members  of Constituent Assembly (MCAs) from the ruling party dominating  crucial Katiba House committees, there are fears that the Constitution-making process may be anything but smooth.


9 years ago


Dr Shein Promises Another University in Zanzibar Soon

Dr Shein Promises Another University in Zanzibar Soon
Zanzibar — ISLES' presidential candidate on CCM ticket, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein, has promised to open another university if he is re-elected president of Zanzibar in October, this year. Addressing a campaign rally at his home village of Chokocho in South ...


10 years ago


Reach Out to the People, Shein Tells RCs, DCs

Reach Out to the People, Shein Tells RCs, DCs
Zanzibar — ZANZIBAR President Ali Mohamed Shein directed regional commissioners (RCs) and district commissioners (DCs) to get out of their offices and visit the people and address their problems. Dr Shein said Zanzibaris were yearning for good and ...


11 years ago


Plea to give people good Katiba Deliver good Katiba to : Grant TZ good new call

 As citizens, we record in our memories what is happening in the Constituent Assembly (CA) and at the end of the day, we will come up with a conclusion if the Constitution to be achieved will be useful to us and the country in general.


10 years ago

Fearing Leaders, Cleric Exhorts BElect God

Elect God

Elect God-fearing leaders, cleric exhorts bElect God-fearing leaders, cleric ...
Daily News
TANZANIANS were reminded to elect God-fearing leaders with true love, passion and charisma, leadership traits that are increasingly declining among many public leaders. The message was aired as the country gears up for the general elections scheduled ...


10 years ago

Friendly Leader

DC wants voters to elect agro

DC wants voters to elect agro-friendly leader
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been reminded to take full advantage of their constitutional rights this year by electing a new president who will promote agriculture and fight for farmers' rights. The message apart from being directed to the general public was ...



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