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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Do current African leaders overstep their mandates?

>In the field of farmland leases and sell-offs (commonly referred to as land-grabbing) the current crop of African leaders may well be accused of exceeding their mandate to the point of treachery to their continent, their people and to future generations of Africans.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Know your African Ministers: Full List of current 54 Health Ministers in Africa – 2020

The year 2020 has confirmed to the whole world that one of the most important and toughest portfolios to hold in a government is that of a Minister of Health.

In Africa, our health ministers have been at the forefront of the fight against the Corona Virus pandemic and with support from the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, there's hope of Africans rising from this pandemic, scathed but stronger.

Primary among the roles of a health minister are overseeing the formulation of...


11 years ago


African leaders must invest more in agriculture

Judging from the daily outpouring of commentary, opinions and reports, you would think that there were two African continents.


11 years ago


African leaders gather for US summit

Delegates are gathering in Washington DC for the largest-ever summit of African leaders in the US.


11 years ago


E.African leaders want a monetary union; who else?

On November 30, 2013, the five EA Community (EAC) member states Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi signed a Protocol in Kampala, ostensibly charting the road to a Monetary Union (EAC-MU) and a single currency ten years thence.


10 years ago


African leaders and foreign hospitals

So, another African president dies in London, to continue a long list of the continent’s leaders to have died in a foreign hospital. The death of president Michael Sata, the man who rose from cleaner to his country’s highest office follows a long undisclosed illness.


11 years ago


African leaders discuss integration

African leaders from various disciplines met in Dar es Salaam on Friday to discuss obstacles and achievements of the continent’s economic integration.


10 years ago


African leaders fight against terrorism

Securing porous borders is the main challenge for African states in the fight against terrorism. It is through these exposed borders that violent extremist groups carry out illegal transnational trade to finance their activities, the African Union Peace and Security Summit at the KICC heard on Tuesday.


10 years ago

The Standard Digital News (Satire) (Press Release) (Registration) (Blog)

Why African leaders refuse to leave power

Why African leaders refuse to leave power
The Standard Digital News (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog)
Any kind of coup should be a thing of the past. Democracy is largely considered as the way to go or rather is seen as a modern way of leadership thus branded social development. This is particularly the way it is with nations inclined towards the west. A leader ...
Arusha-Based Lawyers' Body Tells Nkurunzinza to Call it

all 2


11 years ago

Turkish Press

E. African leaders vow to fight terrorism

Turkish Press
E. African leaders vow to fight terrorism
Turkish Press
ARUSHA, Tanzania – The leaders of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda vowed on Wednesday to work together to stamp out terrorism, which appears to be trying to establish a foothold in East Africa. "Recently, our region has been facing ...
Kenyan President calls for joint effortsCoastweek
Kenyan President Urges EAC To Lay Foundations For Single Currency NowBernama
EAC Leaders Endorse Regional Counter Terrorism...



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