
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Don for people-centred Constitution

Members of Constitutional Assembly (CA) have been urged to endorse a new Constitution that would meet the citizens’ interests than it is seen for the time being where the political parties are fighting to put their agendas of their political institutions.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


People-centred budget should be major focus

Considerable attention will today be turned to Dodoma where Finance Minister Saada Mkuya is scheduled to table proposals for the national budget in Parliament –the last for the current Fourth Phase government of President Jakaya Kikwete.


9 years ago


Don`t bury constitution issue

Don`t bury constitution issue - activists
Political analysts have expressed alarm at the silence of the CCM presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli for his silence regarding the proposed new constitution in his campaign. They say that despite the fact that the CCM manifesto has included such a ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Retired UDSM don sounds caution over new constitution

Retired UDSM don sounds caution over new constitution
Daily News
THE country must avoid having a rigid constitution, as one of the best ways to achieve smooth democracy, Professor Abdul Sharif, a retired lecturer of the University of Dar es Salaam says. He said Tanzania risks having an inflexible constitution if all sections ...


9 years ago


People’s constitution wanted

Readers would like the coming government to call a referendum on the Warioba-led Draft Constitution


10 years ago


Help people better understand proposed constitution

Help people better understand proposed constitution - appeal
The government has been asked to distribute the proposed constitution to wananchi so that they can understand it well before taking part in the referendum scheduled later this year. The call was made yesterday by the Bishop of the Bukoba Roman Catholic ...


11 years ago


Wako: Give people the Constitution they want

Wako: Give people the Constitution they want
President Jakaya Kikwete flips through text of address he is expected to deliver in Constituent Assembly in Dodoma today, signalling the official opening of the CA's 70-day meeting, as he flew from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma yesterday. Constituent Assembly ...
Wako 'lectures' CA on KatibaDaily News

all 4


11 years ago


Participation of people in constitution making crucial

The Republic of Zambia, formerly the British Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia became an independent state on October 24, 1964. The country is as large as France, Switzerland, Australia and Hungary combined with a total area of 750,000 square kilometres.


11 years ago


CA panel forms `Coalition of People`s Constitution`

Daily News
CA panel forms `Coalition of People`s Constitution`
The Coalition of People's Constitution (UKAWA) has expressed dissatisfaction with the short time the Constituent Assembly (CA) set aside to discuss the Standing Orders. UKAWA is a platform of different members of the CA comprising of politicians from ...
CA members form union to defend draft constitutionDaily News

all 2


9 years ago


CROSSROADS : Fight for people-driven Constitution still on

Leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953 Joseph Stalin is credited to have said “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”



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