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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


E-commerce: Banks need to react

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It is hard to push the growth of e-commerce in Africa especially when the key element, which is internet access, is still a problem. There are many factors holding back the development of e-commerce and online business in Africa including the need a much more developed financial infrastructure.

The chart below shows internet penetration % worldwide. Notice how it is very low in most of Africa.

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According to Ndekia S. Maghimbi, who deals with Marketing  & Partnerships at Kaymu Tanzania, “If...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

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Tanzanians react to Magufuli’s list of 34 ministers

Tanzanians have widely hailed President John Magufuli’s Cabinet announced yesterday as well-thought and cost-saving, while some saw it as lacking in a balanced sharing of posts between Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. Political analysts, politicians and economists who spoke with The Citizen said they expected more efficiency in the new Cabinet which is a half that of former President Jakaya Kikwete.


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Kenyans on social media have told off Cable News Network (CNN) about their coverage of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to the country.
Obama is scheduled to jet into Kenya on Friday for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) 2015, and Kenyans are highly anticipating his visit.In the pre-event coverage, CNN termed Kenya as a “hotbed of terror”; a statement that agitated Kenyans

This is not the first time that Kenyans have taken issue with CNN’s portrayal of the county. In 2013, CNN aired...


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Embrace e-commerce: Kaymu advises


Ecommerce is commonly known as business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social media, websites etc. This kind of trading can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services or between a business and a customer. Today Technology is changing Tanzania – the way we live, work, educate ourselves, buy goods and services and transfer money are all done through the internet and the main aim...


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The Potentiality of E-Commerce Innovation in Tanzania

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The growth of ICT utilization in Tanzania particularly the internet and mobile phones has influenced the rate of online interaction and communication among the vast populace. The growth of internet usage in Africa has led to the revolution of communication, commerce, and development into a globalized world. Due to the potentials of the internet, many individual users and content providers are at the critical stage of creating more connections in the business.

Tanzania, in recent years, has...


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Fresh twist in IPTL scam as MPs react

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Analysts react to Tanzania’s position on Burundi crisis

Tanzania’s stance against the deployment of the African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Burundi has drawn mixed reactions from political analysts and diplomats.



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