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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


East African Cooperative Society Bill sails through

East African Cooperative Society Bill sails through
Daily News
THE regional Assembly is on the verge of enacting the East African Community Cooperative Societies Bill, after EALA Members extensively debated the Bill, before passing it through its second reading. The debate which resumed following interruption on ...
EAC Cooperative Societies Bill Sails Through Second

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EAC Cooperative Societies Bill Sails Through Second Reading

EAC Cooperative Societies Bill Sails Through Second Reading
Arusha — The regional Assembly is on the verge of enacting the EAC Cooperative Societies Bill, 2014. EALA Members late yesterday extensively debated the Bill, before passing it through its second reading. The debate which resumed following interruption ...


10 years ago


EALA passes EAC Cooperative Societies Bill 2014

EALA passes EAC Cooperative Societies Bill 2014
The East African Legislative Assembly has passed the East Africa Community (EAC) Cooperative Societies Bill 2014, giving the cooperative fraternity and stakeholders something to smile about. The Bill sailed through the third reading after Members debated ...
EALA Passes Critical BillsEast African Business Week
EALA Takes Steps to Fight Genocide
East Africa MPs pass Sh184m spending plan for regional trade, peace...


10 years ago



The EALA has late this afternoon enacted the EAC Cooperative Societies Bill 2014 giving the cooperative fraternity and stakeholders, something to smile about.  
The Bill sailed through the third reading after Members debated and made amendments to a number of clauses to reflect relevancy and consistency.
The object of the EAC Cooperative Societies Bill, 2014 is to provide a legal framework for Co-operative Societies in line with Article 128 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the EAC...


9 years ago


East Africa enacts forest management bill
East Africa enacts forest management bill
The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has Friday passed a legislation that harmonizes programs of member countries of the East African Community (EAC) towards conservation of the environment.The EAC Forests Management and Protection Bill ...


9 years ago


East Africa traders angered by Bill on port of Mombasa

Importers and exporters using the Northern Corridor have protested the passing of a bill that seeks to allow the county to collect port revenues.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

EU and African civil society is ready to cooperate in tackling the refugee crisis

Belgium, Brussels - Oct 28 - Bilateral meeting Between the EESC President Georges Dassis and the AU ECOSOCC President Joseph Chilengi at the occasion of the Second meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network © EU2015 2015_10_28_EU_Africa_Bilateral

Belgium, Brussels – Oct 28 – Bilateral meeting Between the EESC President Georges Dassis and the AU ECOSOCC President Joseph Chilengi at the occasion of the Second meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network.

-2nd meeting of the EU-Africa Socio-Economic Actors Network adopts joint resolution

An approach based on full cooperation with African countries and respect for human rights in tackling the refugee flows into the EU has the full support of civil society from both continents....


5 years ago


Study of African society inspires broad thinking about human paternity, fidelity

Study of African society inspires broad thinking about human paternity, fidelity


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

African Civil Society Calls for Official Participation at US-Africa Leader Summit


The first ever U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will take place August 4–6

With just weeks to go before the first ever U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, which takes place August 4–6, a coalition of international NGOs and African civil society have called on President Barack Obama to provide official space for civil society participation and to address key issues of human rights and good governance.

An online petition ( addressed to President Obama was launched last week via the...


10 years ago


Benki ya NBC yadhamini mkutano wa chama cha African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(ASBCB)

Mfanyakazi wa Benki ya NBC kitengo cha mauzo, Erica Mwaipasi (kulia) akizungumza na baadhi ya washiriki wa mkutano wa siku tatu wa Chama cha Watumiaji wa Elimu ya Kompyuta katika Sayansi inayohusu Utafiti wa Uhai na Viumbe hai Afrika (ASBCB) uliofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam. NBC ilikuwa mmoja wa wadhamini wa mkutano huo ambao pamoja na mambo mengine ulijadili jinsi elimu hiyo inavyoweza kusaidia ufumbuzi wa tiba ya magonjwa mbalimbali ya binadamu.Maofisa wa Benki ya NBC Kitengo cha Mauzo,...



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