
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Avoid politics in seeking answer to health crisis

The health sector is currently in a serious crisis. Not that it had been that much good in the recent past, not since people started hearing of cost-sharing which,in some cases meant getting a free prescription and advice from the doctor on where you could buy the drugs.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Avoid abusive politics

>Some people nurse the comical belief that, when they sneeze, any mild physical discomfort bothering them vanishes.


10 years ago

Daily News

Avoid dirty politics, Tanzanians urged

Daily News
Avoid dirty politics, Tanzanians urged
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to honour the founding father of the nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, by embracing patriotm and avoid politics that preaches hatred. The Minter of State in the President's Office -- Coordination and Relations, Mr Stephen ...


10 years ago


Avoid politics, Sefue warns civil servants

>Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue has cautioned civil servants over engaging in politics,  saying they cannot serve two masters at the same time.


10 years ago


Church Seeks Answer to Biting Labour Crisis

Church Seeks Answer to Biting Labour Crisis
Moshi — Bishop Dr Fredrick Shoo of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania-Northern Diocese (fourth from right front row) poses in group picture with other ELCT bishops and government leaders during his consecration in August last year. NEW Year ...


5 years ago

Financial Times

Nissan’s Makoto Uchida: Seeking the right direction in times of crisis

Nissan’s Makoto Uchida: Seeking the right direction in times of crisis  Financial Times


5 years ago


Want to stop consumer hoarding in times of crisis? New research may provide the answer

Want to stop consumer hoarding in times of crisis? New research may provide the answer


10 years ago


Ebola crisis: Five top tips to avoid the deadly virus

Wash your hands and other top tips to avoid Ebola


11 years ago

Daily News

East Africa keen to avoid eurozone monetary crisis

East Africa keen to avoid eurozone monetary crisis
Daily News
EAST African Community (EAC) member states are hopeful their envisaged monetary union will not experience problems that befell the Eurozone, as they will establish an early warning system and a stabilisation facility to ensure economic resilience in ...
Tanzania Signs EAC Pact FirstEast African Business Week
Maize Sale to Kenya Signs of True Integration By

all 5


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: We must strive harder to avoid wastefulness

The demolition of the 16-storey condemned building on Indira Ghandi Street in Dar es Salaam brings to mind the plight of poor states like ours, in which we typically depict what we read from the scriptures, that “those with nothing, even the little they have will be taken away from them”.



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