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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Entrepreneurs can do better

More than 200 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs from the Coast Region have recently been trained on how to manufacture, package, brand and market their products to meet international standards.  This should be seen as a move in the right direction.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Tunisia's entrepreneurs want reforms

Tunisia's entrepreneurs call for a raft of pro-business reforms


9 years ago


2 entrepreneurs win Sh90m

Tigo Tanzania and a non-profit organization, Reach for Change, yesterday awarded $40,000 (about Sh88 million) to two winners of the 4th edition of the Tigo digital change-makers social entrepreneurship initiative. Each of them received $20,000 (about Sh44 million).


11 years ago


ILO pledges to help women entrepreneurs

The International Labour Organization through the Women Entrepreneurship Development and Economic Empowerment project in Uganda (ILO-WEDEE) has promised to help East African women entrepreneurs to foster market linkages across the East African Region.


11 years ago


240 entrepreneurs take part in training

Up to 240 small and medium size entrepreneurs (SMEs) from eight regions in Tanzania Mainland have been trained on how to conduct cross-border trade within the East African region, it was announced here last week.


9 years ago


Sido targets entrepreneurs in funding

The Small Industries Development Organisation (Sido) will launch a new centre for packaging, an entrepreneurship development fund, technology leasing services and an SME portal in 2016.


9 years ago


“Entrepreneurs and Investments Forum and Expo”

Investments Consortium of Tanzanians in the USA(ICT) Invites you to the “Entrepreneurs ,Investments Forum and Expo”Saturday , November 28, 11:00am-4:00 pmEmbassy of Tanzania1232 22nd Street, NWWashington DC, 20004As part of the effort to Global Diaspora Business Initiative , the ICT is inviting all Tanzanians' entrepreneurs and individuals who are planning or interested in doing business in the USA, Tanzania or between the two countries to the unique and the first event of its kind. A...


11 years ago

Daily News

Call for women entrepreneurs to be creative

Call for women entrepreneurs to be creative
Daily News
THE UN Women Tanzania office has called for women entrepreneurs in the country to be more creative as they engage in various economic empowerment activities. UN Women Tanzania advisor for Environment and Livelihood, Ms Lesley Reader, said that ...


10 years ago


Nigeria tycoon funds entrepreneurs

Nigerian billionaire Tony Elumelu says he will fund 1,000 budding African entrepreneurs as part of a $100m (£670,000) initiative to boost the continent's private sector.


11 years ago


Ethiopia aims to create entrepreneurs

Creating a new generation of entrepreneurs



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