
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Let’s exploit urban tourism

>As Tanzania seeks to boost tourist arrivals, one thing that has apparently been overlooked is the potential of urban tourism.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: let’s have clean-up day in urban neighborhood’s

And then, leaderships should organise monthly clean-up day that ropes in every resident, with agreed payment collected from those with a good reason not to physically participate.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Urban planning experts have their work cut out

>The population explosion in Tanzania’s urban areas presents  a challenge that should be addressed now instead of the relevant authorities waiting until things get out of hand.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Anti-ebola strategy key to protecting tourism

>It’s too bad that, the local tourism sector,  generator of 25 per cent of the country’s foreign exchange earnings, and creator of some 27,000 jobs, has literally been caught by the   ‘misfortunes come in a series’ trap. A little over one month ago, 17 tourists were ambushed  at a lodge in the northern tourist circuit, attacked, and robbed of items valued at over Sh20million.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tap tourism fully to raise forex, boost PR

>The ‘all is well’ impression has bred the ‘Tanzanian way of doing things’ culture that, in the economic sphere, costs us dearly by way of poor services that frustrate customers, the net effect  of which is reduced patronage and lower revenues.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tourism, air transport must go hand in hand

One of the most striking aspects in CCM’s 2015-2020 manifesto is the ruling party’s desire to see Tanzania attract two million tourists come 2020, up from the current 1.1 million.


11 years ago


More must be done to exploit ports potential

Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) can continue sleeping, snoring and turning in relaxation. Perhaps its mandarin will wake up from the deep slumber when they hear Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is opening an office in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, and Arusha.


10 years ago

Daily News

Do not exploit orphans, warns RC Mahiza

Daily News
Do not exploit orphans, warns RC Mahiza
Daily News
COAST Regional Commissioner (RC), Ms Mwantumu Mahiza, has warned Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the region against using orphans to source for money from donors, saying that those who will be caught will be punished according to the ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Exploit empowerment plans, DC tells women

Exploit empowerment plans, DC tells women
Daily News
WOMEN have been challenged to exploit economic empowerment programmes so that no woman is left mired in abject poverty in the Isles. “Many women still face economic difficulties even in getting basic needs. It is possible to bring about change if we all ...


10 years ago


Beekeepers urged to exploit UAE market

Tanzanian beekeepers are failing to utilise a huge market for their products in the United Arab Emirates despite the presence of a direct cargo flight between the two destinations.



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