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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Minister’s warning on over-drinking most apt

>Too much alcohol is harmful to your health. We are stating a  virtual truism here, for anyone living in a community where drinking is part of the culture is witness to this. Yet we shouldn’t tire of preaching against over-drinking, for its negative effects go beyond the users.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Envoy’s advice on tax apt

Advice by outgoing European Union head of Delegation to Tanzania, Mr Filiberto Sebrogondi, to President John Magufuli on fiscal control is apt. Mr Sebrogondi also advised on the need to increase revenue collection by the government.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security push apt

Socio-cultural set up is undergoing rapid change in Africa. One key institution affected by the change is the family.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Dar-Maputo visa deal apt

>The recent three-day visit of Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi was heartwarming for Tanzanians.  Mr Nyusi was open to the fact that his people have every reason to be cordial to Tanzanians, given their country’s contribution to Mozambique’s freedom struggle.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Move to revamp school schools inspection apt

>Our education system is going through trying times. Any efforts to improve it are certainly welcome. That is why we are giving the thumbs-up to the restructuring of the Education and Vocational Training ministry’s monitoring system.  We hope it will boost the quality of teaching.


11 years ago


‘Coalition’ move is apt

On Monday, The East African reported members of the so-called Coalition of the Willing (CoW) cancelled its meeting on infrastructure that was take place in Kampala in a bid to bring Tanzania on board.


10 years ago


There’s much more to apt leadership besides youth

It is in the youth that a nation pegs its future, that is why forward- looking governments lay immense emphasis on education and training of the country’s young. Such training includes exposing youth to leadership and decision-making at all levels.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Are YOU drinking enough water?


It’s shaping up to be another summer of record-breaking high temperatures and the news media is beginning to sound like a broken record, too – over and over again we’re reminded to keep ourselves well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. But it’s an important message – not just during a heat wave, but also throughout the year because water serves so many critical functions in the body.

I’m sure you will agree that there’s nothing more refreshing than a nice ice-cold glass of water. Despite...


10 years ago


Act on drinking teens

A report released on Tuesday shows that over 10 per cent of Tanzanians who drink started the habit when they were 14. The study, entitled “Baseline Survey on the Extent of Alcohol Consumption and Abuse,” conducted under the auspices of Tamwa, further shows that close to 27 per cent of those questioned started taking alcohol when they were under 17.


11 years ago


A nation drinking itself to the grave

>A rising number of Tanzanians are drinking themselves into an early grave, according to a new World Health Organisation (WHO) report. The 2014 Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health suggests that thousands of young Tanzanians will die if the government does not step in.



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