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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Move to revamp school schools inspection apt

>Our education system is going through trying times. Any efforts to improve it are certainly welcome. That is why we are giving the thumbs-up to the restructuring of the Education and Vocational Training ministry’s monitoring system.  We hope it will boost the quality of teaching.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


‘Coalition’ move is apt

On Monday, The East African reported members of the so-called Coalition of the Willing (CoW) cancelled its meeting on infrastructure that was take place in Kampala in a bid to bring Tanzania on board.


10 years ago


Move to revamp TAZARA cheers RWUZ
Move to revamp TAZARA cheers RWUZ
THE Railways Workers Union of Zambia says the agreement by President Edgar Lungu and his Tanzanian counterpart, Jakaya Kikwete, to revamp TAZARA is a positive move for the railway sector's growth. The Railways Workers Union of Zambia president ...
Tanzania Talks to Zambia On TazaraEast African Business Week

all 2


9 years ago


JPM’s move against wanton foreign travel is most apt

It had become a fashion—travelling abroad for senior and middle level public officials—which made watchful citizens and, we suspect, our development partners, ask:


10 years ago


Strengthen school inspection to have quality education

Strengthen school inspection to have quality education
Mid last month, during inauguration of the School Inspection week celebrations, the Minister for Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, encouraged school inspectors to utilise their opportunity to ensure that quality of education ...


9 years ago


Government blames low school performance on faulty inspection

Government blames low school performance on faulty inspection
POOR inspection of schools and teachers' negligence is behind the deteriorating quality of education in the country, the government has said. Speaking at the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) yesterday in Dar es Salaam Prof Joyce Ndalichako, the ...
TIE urged to speed up textbook supply to primary schoolsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 2


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Envoy’s advice on tax apt

Advice by outgoing European Union head of Delegation to Tanzania, Mr Filiberto Sebrogondi, to President John Magufuli on fiscal control is apt. Mr Sebrogondi also advised on the need to increase revenue collection by the government.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security push apt

Socio-cultural set up is undergoing rapid change in Africa. One key institution affected by the change is the family.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Minister’s warning on over-drinking most apt

>Too much alcohol is harmful to your health. We are stating a  virtual truism here, for anyone living in a community where drinking is part of the culture is witness to this. Yet we shouldn’t tire of preaching against over-drinking, for its negative effects go beyond the users.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Dar-Maputo visa deal apt

>The recent three-day visit of Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi was heartwarming for Tanzanians.  Mr Nyusi was open to the fact that his people have every reason to be cordial to Tanzanians, given their country’s contribution to Mozambique’s freedom struggle.



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